"Bast" by Andrei Shurinov (Tula)


Jun 9, 2003
Andrei Shurinow from Tula found my site and send me picture of his latest work!


He did not make damascus, but everithing else he made himself and it takes 5 month for this one.



He usually works on guns,


but time to time makes knives.

Thanks, Vassili.
:eek::eek::eek:Incredible! Vassilli thank you for posting that for us.
Those surely are an amazing pieces of art, no matter if applied to knives, guns or any other media.
Not only is the workmanship incredible, so is his artistry. The sense of balance on his curves in the engraving, and the unusual carved guard all speak from another level. I am also humbled and in admiration. Can you make sure he knows this from us? Thanks, my friend.

That's tremendous.
I'd like to have that shotgun as well. ;)
I send him link to this discussion already. I hope he'll join this forum himself - he is obviosly found my site - so he is in the Web. And I'll be happy to translate to Russian all your comments and send to him.

Thanks, Vassili.
Many of the Russian makers only do a few knives a year because of all the work that goes into their knives. It is easy to see why this knife took the time it did.
He allowed me to post here his e-mail. He sads not to much people in Tula whom he can talk to about engaving, curving etc- this kind of arts.

Here it is:

Thanks, Vassili.
You guys are all ooohhing and aaaahiiing. Fair enough.

The emperor has no clothes.

That this was done in Russia is amazing, I will give you that. The metal carving is top notch, better than most anything that I have seen with maybe the exception of Wolfe Loerchner, Larry Fuegen and stuff in museums, but...

The damascus is totally not right for the dagger grind, the pattern wisps off to one side about two inches from the point. The pattern also competes with the rest of the work. Blued carbon steel would have been the right base for this sculpture.

The ivory carving is a bit better than when Dr. Paul Grussenmeyer started using his dental drill to carve stag and stuff, but is still sophmoric, and a waste of good ivory IMHO.

I hate to bring this up, but I wish that one of you had. Can you not see it? Or are you just too polite to mention it?

The guy from Tula has massive potential, and I hope that he can work with someone who can help him refine his skills, like Virgil England or the afformentioned Wolfe, who does EVERYTHING with files. That blows me away, and has for 20 years.

Let the public flogging begin, but this cycle of a guy posting a picture and then everyone going "WOW, that's amazing" when there are clearly apparent flaws, or the knife is a copy of something Jerry Fisk did 5 years ago makes my head feel like it is going to explode.

Let's have some critique here, not just a back-pat session.

Rant off,

Best Regards,

STeven Garsson
I think the knife is gorgeous and I still want the shotgun.
Kohai999 said:
Let's have some critique here, not just a back-pat session.

I tend to criticise only when I see something that bothers me about a knife. The patternwelded steel on this knife didn't bother me.

When it comes to knives that are copies, when I see an S.R. Johnson knife that is based on a design that Bob Loveless did thirty years ago I am still going to ooh and ah, because I think it is beauty in its own right
Kohai999 said:
That this was done in Russia is amazing, I will give you that.

Steven, if you not yet visited this site ...


I would highly recommend it, I have been through all the makers there and have to say that the Russian guys can mix it with the the best of them as far as embellishment and functional art is concerned, so don't be too suprised at the origin of this one. ;)

