Be careful out there

Gossman Knives

Edged Toolmaker
Apr 9, 2004
With the winter months ice is a real problem. My wife has been talking about patrons at the library where she works falling and breaking bones. I fell in the front yard a couple of days ago right on my forearm. Pulled the sh*t out of my shoulder.:mad: Boy does it smart. I was lucky but a fall on ice can be bad. Your butt is down before you even know what happened.
Too late. I stepped on an acorn late last year twisted my ankle and broke a rib. Not fun
After this ice storm last 2 weeks ago, one local hospital reported 20+ broken hips directly related to the ice. One was a lady that fell and laid in a ditch until a UPS driver saw her and carried her into her house and called for help.

I slipped and fell a few nights ago. I'm extra careful but since I really can't feel much through my prosthetic foot, it was way out in front of me before I realized what was happening. :grumpy: Fortunately, I'm good at falling. :)

I landed mostly upright, flipped over and crawled off the ice, and found no damage to me or my clothes. What kind of a fall is that?
I sufer from mild to menium vertigo isues and the least slip or slide gets my head to spining a litle, I have ben lucky the last couple of years plus I dont go out without my hiking staff and a pair of the shoe chains.
Yep, it's been icy here this winter as well. I saw a lady with something like these and was thinking about picking some up for next year. I wonder how well they work.

Edit: Just picked up a different brand for $16 on clearance. I'll be trying them out next year, since we're bound to have a repeat.