Bead & Craft Shops


Mar 8, 1999
Sometimes they carry beads made from water buffalo horn. Black, red, honey/amber.

If you see one, check it out. For a buck or so you can have a stock of horn to sand/grind up as needed to fill cracks in your handles.

Unless you are native american or in your teens during the '60's you might not think to check these places out. Me, I was 16 and starting college in '66.:)
Thanks for great tip Rusty!:)

I've got 4 or 5 handles with BIG cracks that will benefit from this.

They have a very large selection of beads and other supplies.
Included are the water buffalo horn hair pipe as well as sheep horn hair pipe beads.
And they're reasonable.
Personally I call it the Cherokee Craft and Supply Store.:D:D:D

And if anyone is interested in hides and furs try here. I bought my otter skin for my otter drag from them and it was
just as described.
You can't go wrong with either of these two companies IMO. :D:D:D:D

At least I think that's the right address.:D
Now if I could only find my old love beads. Probably never got unpacked from the garage when we moved in. Around here somewhere.

( For the general fund of useless trivia, the word bead comes from the middle english "bede", which stood for prayer. )

Matter of fact I still have some ceramic half-inch alphabet beads I used a few years ago to make up necklaces that read "Ubi Caritas Et Amor, Deus Ibi Est" ( Where there is charity and love, there God is ).
Originally posted by Bill Martino
Rusty, you're becoming a regular pro.

And just what kind of pro are you implying, Uncle? Are you saying I need to go down to the Sheriff's Office and get a work card? ROTFLMAO

(It took me a while to notice the possibilities to misconstue THAT one.)
No, actually you have blood drawn every week to be sure you haven't picked up an STD :p

Rural Nevada is still 50 years behind the times in some ways. About 5 years back they finally caught the owner of the town's #1 bar driving drunk on the highway in his golf cart and actually booked him instead of taking him home. Course it got dropped later, but they did put him on notice it wasn't the Korean war era anymore.