Bear MGC, junk?

Dec 31, 2000
Yesterday, under the "Knives You Hate" post, someone mentioned Bear MGC for reasons related to quality control. Is that a common opinion among collectors?

I have three Bear MGC pocketknives and I like them just fine, although I've never used them for cutting. The parts appear to be well-fitted and the actions are just as smooth as any other factory knives, such as Case or Buck. Additionally, I love the choices of natural handle materials.

Am I ignorant, looking at the wrong qualities, or did I get lucky with my three individual knives?

Bob W,
Long-Time Knife Accumulator
I dont know if 'junk' is the right word. Years ago I had one of thier Buck 110 knock offs. Quality was ok, not as nice as my Buck 110, but the zebra wood handles on it were very nice. I used the knife a bit and it seemed to perform ok. My mistake was to lay it on the counter of the knife store I worked at. Looks like a customer decided to make it his own

On the other hand, a few of us forumites went to a knife makers house for a day of testing knives. A Bear butterfly knife was in the mix of knives tested. Its performance compared to the other knives (custom and production) was pathetic.

Guess that for the low prices you can usually get them for they are ok for light users, but in the same price range there are better knives out there.

The important thing is, you are happy with them, and seem satisfied with what you want them for, so enjoy them.

Richard Todd - Digital knife photography
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Do your site a favor, get quality digital images!!!
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I have a Bear MGC 2 blade trapper with stag handles. It's a great little knife. I don't carry it much but it has great smooth action and takes a very keen edge. The fit and finish are great although the blades have a "use me" satin finish.
I' ve had a few of their "onehand opening" folders some years back. I realized for the price they were going to be basic no frills cutting tools is all. But I found them all to be quite disappointing. Their steel simply does not take an edge. I have owned and used various sharpeners for many years now and none of them can breath life into those folders. My friends and club members who are "non knife people" experienced the same in their folders. I' ve concluded that either or a combination of both that their steel is inferior or had a bad heat treat.


So, does anyone know anything about their tanto-point fixed blade in ATS-34? Full tang and canvas micarta handles?

Almost ordered one of those, several times, lately. But always talked myself out of it at the last minute.

The most affectionate creature in the world is a wet dog. - Ambrose Bierce
Most dog owners are at length able to teach themselves to obey their dog. - Robert Morley

I, have found Bear to be quite good for the money. Quite good. I bought a little razor knife from them once and it's fit and finish were very good for the price. Some people may use their balisongs as proof that they suck but don't listen. Their balisongs suck, true, but all balisongs under $100 suck. It's not fair to bash them cause they can't make an excellent bali for $30.
Actually I'm starting to like my Bear balisong alot more than my model 42, because I'm just really angered about Benchmades QC.

The only bad thing with the bear bali, is that you have to use a hammer to adjust the pins.
That would have been me and yes mine was utter junk (model 114d damascus clip point bali). It developed such a nasty handle wobble that the blade would hit the bite handle everytime it closed and the latch wouldn't work in either position. So I sent it back. They send it back to me with the latch working but that's about it. The blade still hits the handle on every close and you have to force it open now because the bite handle doesn't swing freely. So I called them and they let me speak to someone from there QC department. This guy pisssed me off saying that I didn't know the difference between a clip point and a tanto(armor piercing) point. Then he proceeded to tell me that there was nothing they could do and if I sent them the knife they'd just keep sending it back as mine was within all specs. He was just generally rude and egotistical with his "I'm an engineer and your not attitude", well I have news for him...I am a nuclear engineer.

Don't think you are...know you are.