Been off-site for a while: any movement on updating the ParaMilitary?

Feb 24, 2001
I remember some months ago, a thread in which Sal Glesser asked us all for input about ways to improve the ParaMilitary. There were some real good suggestions. My favorite was making it so that there is no need for dual-torx wrenches on the blade pivot. I also would like a small choil at the base of the blade, to make sharpening easier and neater.

Has there been any development, or any indication that Sal is going to implement any of the ideas that were suggested?

The only hint I have seen is Sal posting that it is an early 2007 project. :thumbup:
That is all I heard as well. So if anyone know what he planned to modify or the date release, that would be great.
Whatever it is, I sure hope it doesn't cause a greed-stampede like what happened with the ZDP Delicas... :( That was an embarrassing thing to watch. It'd be nice if people employed the American Indian philosophy of "take only what you will use" when it comes to new and highly anticipated knives...

Whatever it is, I sure hope it doesn't cause a greed-stampede like what happened with the ZDP Delicas... :( That was an embarrassing thing to watch. It'd be nice if people employed the American Indian philosophy of "take only what you will use" when it comes to new and highly anticipated knives...

I doubt that hoarding will be a siginificant problem with an upgraded Paramilitary, or with any permanent upgrade to a regular production knife. The ZDP Delica was rather a special case, first solid ZDP-189 Spyderco, long delayed, and a Sprint run. Those who got shut out by the greedy will probably have the satisfaction of knowing that as soon as the regular production ones hit the shelf, the price for the ones some of the hoarders paid so dearly for will plummet. I would class the situation with it, and the ZDP Calypso Jr, as aberations, rather that the norm.

Honestly, in the case of the Para, I rather suspect a copious amount of lamentation for the "old school" version will follow the upgrade. Plenty of precendent for that.
I doubt that hoarding will be a siginificant problem with an upgraded Paramilitary
Those who got shut out by the greedy will probably have the satisfaction of knowing that as soon as the regular production ones hit the shelf, the price for the ones some of the hoarders paid so dearly for will plummet.
yes that does give me satisfaction.

that greedy hoarding is pretty bad with the busse/scrap/swamp buyers. what gets me is they only net like $5-10 per knife after shipping/paypal/fees! So why bother??

suppose it could be the excitement of the score. i must admit it's a rush. also the urge to possess the "rare".

Manufacturers know this too! Is it just me or did it seem pretty bad this season? ie. ps3, wii

/ok end rant
Through all of this, I am left just hoping that the changes made to the ParaMilitary end up being only those I would want, and none of those that I would not want... I wonder what the chances of that are. I hope, at least, that if there are changes made that I wasn't asking/hoping for, that they are ones I can live with. There wasn't much about the knife that I would have changed anyway, but I hope that whatever does change is to my taste.

I really hope that if they make the handles green, they also have black still available... Not into a green knife.