Beginner with Chens & Cold Steels...

Oct 6, 2006
I am a newbie to the sword world but I am having fun with it. I am not going to be a serious collector but I would like to do better than The Chens & Cold Steel Katanas I already own. Trying to stay inside the $1000.00 range once a year to start. I feel that my first swords were fine. They got me interested and I learned a good deal while handling them as well a read a boatload of books. I never did buy an embaressing $50.00 mall sword so I am that far ahead. My Q is where to look know to purchase a really good Katana or is it not possible in my 1k price range. Any help will be appreciated!!!!! ~baba~
you might be interested in ordering Patrick Barta's Roman Riding Sword. It is a custom-made sword for 400EUROs plus shippinf and the price includes an excellent scabbard. The problem is that his waiting list is now about 2 1/2 years. But the price and the wait will be well worth it. I have one and I LOVE it. It is, bar none, the best sword for the money that I have ever seen. The sword is No. 102 at this page and it is a replica of a sword pulled from a Danish Bog in the 1890s.

Oh, BTW, he does not ask for any payment until your sword is ready to ship, so you will have plemty of time to save up for it. I am currently on his wait list for his sword no. 118, a replica of the Abingdon Sword. That is how much I respect his work.
Along with my swampland I have some interesting swords...seem to cut anything put in front of proof available