Belt Loop too Big on Sheath?

May 3, 2000
I was wondering if anyone has found a good way to prevent the "folding" of the belt loop on the new sheaths when drawing one-handed. I thought about just sewing the loop to be smaller. Does this work? Any other ideas? Thanks!
You could sew it like you said but how about putting some velcro inside of the loop instead and then that way if you ever need the extra space for a larger belt you will still have it wihtout having to removing all of the stiching.

Another thing I do with large belt loops is install a strip of kevlar on the inside of the loop to keep it stiff.

I know your problem and it is frustrating but better to have the loop a little too big then too small and just modify it to fit your own needs.

Good Luck

Bremerton, Washington
If I am understanding your problem correctly, I have a question.

Are you using 550 Para Cord, or some type of cord, through the bottom coated grommets of your sheath and securing around your leg?

This should prevent the folding of the belt loop upon your draw.
Hi Guys,

I modified my sheath to function exactly like the emerson Police Utility knife sheath.
I have the Steel Heart II by the way.
It works quite well. I dont have to undo my belt to remove the sheath.
I wish Busse would modify their sheath, the
current configuration is not suitable.