Belt sander motors.

Oct 9, 1998
I'm getting ready to buy a belt sander because hand files are driving me crazy, and using the sides of the stones on the 6" bench grinder to flat grind is difficult.

After talking to L6Steel, I decided I might want to get this belt sander from Harbor Freight.

What other belt sanders under $200 are good? There is no way I can afford anything more than $200, so 2x72's are out of the question.

I was considering getting a 4x36" belt sander from Delta that has a 1/3 HP motor. I am told that a 1/3 HP motor may be insufficient and might burn out. What is the minimum motor strength suggested for flat grinding knives?

[This message has been edited by Comrade Chang (edited 05-05-2001).]
1/3hp underpowered, NONSENSE. I worked for ten years on a Delta 1/3hp 1x42. It wasn't easy, but got the job done.

Well, that grinder is next on my tools list too. For what it's worth, I've heard that Lloyd Hale used to grind the flats for his big bowies on a 6X48 machine. The HF one does have enough of a shoulder to do that, though I haven't seen one in action to know whether it would track accurately that far to the side. If you get it, let us know!

Kalamazoo make some grinder that are 2x42 for a half decent price, check Koval or texas knife makers catalog they have them.
I have a delta 1x42 I bought of ebay
for 25 dollars I work my handles down with
it, it has a platen on it i took it of to do slack belt with it you could flat grind on it
with no problem it is spunky little machine.
Sears/Craftsman has 2x42 1hp model you can catch on sale for $199.95. I like mine.
Does the Sears 1HP 2"x42" make a clean plunge when flat grinding?