bench grinder attachments

Nov 20, 2001
Can you attach a grinding belt with a flat platen section to a traditional bench grinder? where would I get such an attachment? Thanks, joe
It's funny you should ask. I started making knives with hand tools and ended up buying a cheap bench grinder. I recently found what you're looking for in the catalogs of Koval Knife Supplies, (or something like that), and Texas Knifemakers Supply.

It's a Jet grinder attatchment and uses a 2" x 36" belt, available at either place. It costs about $150.00.

Both stores are easy to find on the internet.
Gshamr, How many hp is your grinder? do you feel that there is a hp rating that is just too small to use? thanks, joe
Mine is only 3/4 hp at 3450 rpm. The attatchment info said it could be used on any grinder, but I have a feeling mine will be a little underpowered. I've got my eye on some of those cheap motors at Harbor Freight. They've got some good sized motors for under $100.

I'll use it on my grinder until I can afford to put a better motor on it. I'm still saving for the attatchment right now!

I've decided that I'd rather burn out my cheap grinder than wait another year for a belt grinder.