Benchmade 5000SBT

Mar 1, 2003
Just received my Benchmade 5000SBT Auto Axis:D . This knife is going to be huge for Benchmade. Very solid,hefty and beefy. Feels big like the AFO but a shade smaller in reality I think. Fit and Finish are typical Benchmade. No blade play, very strong spring...the blade just flies out of the handle. The ridges in the handle are grippy but not so much that they would feel uncomfortable. Mine was shaving sharp out of the box. The safety is hard to disengage...but that is probably due to it being new. The axis-lock mechanism (or firing button?) is slightly recessed but no difficulties at all firing the blade. I tried drawing out of my weak side pocket several times (since that is where I'll carry it on duty), no snags on anything, and no worries about the firing button accidently going off. The carry is tip up and like with all axis knives one has to pull the button back to move the no problems. I like this knife alot...feels indestructible. More later when I take it out into the field and start using it.;)