benchmade to order

Feb 5, 2003
I have heard aloy of talk of you guys having BM knived ! I want one !
So if you guys would plees tell me what os a good BM knife and the model # it would be a great help !
I want a nive big knie with a large balde ! Manual or auto is fine .
Pleae help me out ! '
You might consider the BM 806D2...I know I'd like to snag one. Check it out at the New Graham site.
Check out either the 806D2 AFCK or the 710HS, I have them both and they are IMHO, the best 2 Benchmades out there. Happy buying
Originally posted by boobar
Check out either the 806D2 AFCK or the 710HS, I have them both and they are IMHO, the best 2 Benchmades out there. Happy buying

Good choices. Plus, if he wants a large blade, those are the two largest knives Benchmade makes.
806D2 and 710HS are their best large folding knives. Get them both and enjoy them both immensely.
Just got a 710HS and agree with Thom about it being the best large folder in the lineup.........course the 806D2 is right there also, Either way you should be happy.