Benchmade Vex-Opinions?

I just ordered a Vex, and I'll be ordering a Tenacious in short order to make a comparison. I like the straight handle on the Vex, as well as the BP coating...but the ambi/reversable clip configurations on the Tenacious certainly make it look more versatile. I'll have to see how they stack up when I actually get both in-hand.
One of the best features of the Vex is that awesome round hole! How in the world did they ever come up with that? Oh, wait...

I have a Tenacious and have handled a friend's Vex. It is a well made knife, but give two knives that are similar in materials, features, and price, I'll always go with the Spyderco. I'm just a Spyderco guy.

One thing about the Vex. My buddy had his set up for left hand carry. When holding it in my right hand, the clip snuggled up just right and helped me get a better grip. Not so much in the left hand.
From everything I've read, I'd have to agree with you that the spyderco seems like the better of the two. However, I'll reserve judgement until I get them both in hand. Some knives just fit my hands better than others. We shall see.