Benchmade VS. Emerson (CQC7)

Oct 21, 1998
I have the chance to pick up a BM 950slh. My question is this:
Has anyone done a comparative analysis between the two? I'm aware of the screw and clip differences. Are there any other differences that make one better than the other?
The only thing I can think of is the warranty. Benchmade can't fix certain things on their knives because they can't make the parts. So any Benchmade 97X model you buy will hopefully last a long time.
Out of the ones I've seen in the knife stores, the Benchmades seem to have a better fit and finish and appear more durable with more screws. But this is all impressions only.
From comparing my three BM's to the Emerson CQC7, the serrations look a little different. Probably doesn't effect the cutting at all, but I think I prefer the serrations on the BM's cuz it's a little easier to touch up (in my opinion).


[This message has been edited by JasonW (edited 13 April 1999).]

[This message has been edited by JasonW (edited 13 April 1999).]

Thanx for the replies. I think I'm gonna' blow this knife off; I'm not very fond of the chisel, anyway.

I can't imagine a new BM that's not supported under warranty. Could this be true?
