Best all round camp knife !

Nov 2, 2005
I was just looking at the pictures only thread and I thought to myself that the Camp Tramp is the best all round camp blade to come out of the Busse workshops !
What are your opinions( and that's all they are right!)including Busse,swamprat and varients or customs though !!!:D
I personaly have never handled the camp tramp, it looks like it fits that magic camp size. I have a Howling Rat wich I love dearly and have put to work more than once. My father favors the Ratwiler, I love the lines on that peice of beauity but it just dosen't fit in my hand like I wish it would. I have wanted a Battle Rat for some time, but had trouble with the high second-market price, solution: I am getting the Scrapyard Dog Father as soon as it comes out.
camp tramp,...........
show me your tramps!!
The CT is the only SRKW blade that I haven't tried to add to my collection eventhough, as stated, it looks like the ideal camp knife. My recent camping kinfe choices have been a Boy Scout camp folder and the Battle Rat or Rat Daddy. They seem to cover all my cutting needs.
The CT is the only SRKW blade that I haven't tried to add to my collection eventhough, as stated, it looks like the ideal camp knife. My recent camping kinfe choices have been a Boy Scout camp folder and the Battle Rat or Rat Daddy. They seem to cover all my cutting needs.

mhawg, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! you need a Camp Tramp and I need a Rat Daddy .....and then I think we would have it all covered in the camping scene!:thumbup: :D
Howling Rat, (or Busse Active Duty :foot: ) and my Satin Battle Rat are my go to blades of choice.

I do like the CT but I've traded all of mine away.

Out of all my knives, the Camp Tramp is the only one i have never considered getting rid of. Every time I use it, I just know it is just about the perfect knife. It is my most used and the one that goes camping with me always. I used to carry an Eastwing hatchet, but now i just baton and kitchen duties fall to the Bandicoot. I do carry an axe for the really big stuff, but rarely need it.....but I carry it car camping...I mean, an axe cannot be replaced by any knife....when an axe is what you need, an axe is what you need!
I love my Camp Tramps (I own two of them) and I think that the CT is a great camp knife. But IMHO the Battle Rat is a better camp knife. To my way of thinking it does not weigh all that much more that the CT and it handles the heavy work a lot better. I am not getting rid of my Tramps but when I go into the woods, the knife I take with me is the Battle Rat.
I'm with Rich on this one :thumbup:

I have a Tramp and it's great, but the BR is my woods-walkin' blade of choice. I've never seen a knife that's so big and so handy at the same time. The weight is probably the deciding factor in that handiness.

There are camp / wilderness chores that are best handled by a small knife, say a 3"-4" blade or smaller, but for all else and some of those, the BR is king. :cool:
mhawg, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! you need a Camp Tramp and I need a Rat Daddy .....and then I think we would have it all covered in the camping scene!:thumbup: :D

RAT DADDY be stayin' round de' house. But I be thankin' you, fo' sho' any hoo.
Sorry buy I think the HR is the best looking knife for camp. Of course if I chop I use a hatchet.:eek:
I can't wait for the Dogfather but I thought the Battlerats were a good deal on the secondary market especially compared to the CT?
This is a hard one. My number one go to would be my SH-E. After that, then my CT. The BM - E is good also.

For smaller, I'm really starting to fall in love with my Bog Dog. Although the HR and Coot are close behind.

There. I'm glad that's settled. :D