Best Butterfly Knives

Oct 31, 1998
I would like some opinions on what the best quality production butterfly knives are currently available,now that Benchmade doesn't produce them anymore.Jaguar,Bear MGC?
I have a Benchmade, got it from Straight River Knives and it was their last. My friend got a Jaguar and both of the rivits broke within 3 weeks. If they would replace the rivits it wouldn't have been that bad but the only butterfly knives with any warrante at all were the benchmades. I'd suggest trying to find one from a private dealer or trade for it.

Oops, forgot ot add something: a good place to look for dealers and knives is on a message board. I looked for a company for quite a while and gave up. Then I posted a request and within a day, I got an e-mail...

[This message has been edited by unocide (edited 21 April 1999).]
Jag are nice and smooth, but they're famous for rivits breaking. I've broken a few myself.

Bear, IMHO, makes a surprisingly nice knive for the price. They're stiff out of the box, but with a bit of oil, they break in and become quite nice. The blade is what you expect in this price range.

However, if you're fond of manipulating your butterfly, a Bear will eventually break at the top of the handle.

I find the Bear failure mode significantly less dramatic than Jag's.


Benchmade still makes the Custom line, pricey though!

Check the Benchmade site, you have to email direct to Les's wife.

They made the Best!


When a fellow says, "it ain't the money but the principle of the thing,"
it's the money.
F. McKinney Hubbard

Actually, the current group of Benchmade custom Bali-Songs is sold out (has been since days after it was announced). Maybe they'll do another group sometime.

I, too, had a Jaguar butterfly that was nice and smooth, although the handles seemed a little thick and heavy. The plastic inserts in the handles started to come unglued, so I got rid of it.

The Bear MGCs are nice and sharp out of the box but get very loose very quickly. Overal construction seems a little fragile.

I've handled one Frost Cutlery butterfly which had decent workmanship and smooth action, but the latch became quite loose and the handle alloy seemed pretty soft.

Overall, unless you can afford a custom, you might as well buy a half dozen of those six-dollar Taiwan "Rostfrei" specials from Smoky Mountain Knife Works, then throw 'em away when they break.

Oh, Benchmade, how could you do this to us? *sob*

There is a post on rec.knives today saying that Bear just got bought by Swiss brands, the Swiss Army Knife people. I don't have any "official" confirmation of this.

However, if it is true, it could change that product line. The nice Swiss Army folks might not want butterflies in their product line.

So, you might want to stock up now.

Its to bad that some knife manufacturer doesn't see the the interest in a good quality butterfly knife.It seems Benchmade was the only one out there making a good quality one.Seems like a bad business decision to stop producing them in quanity.Thanks for the replies,R.S.