Best deal on a custom knife?

Nov 20, 2001
What is the best deal on a knife you've ever had? I.e., the best difference between your purchase price and replacement value? It can be for a pre-owned piece picked up on eBay, or even the price for a new knife for a maker with a long wait, so that you could immediately turn around and sell it for a much higher price.

For me, it's probably a Dan Winkler spike 'hawk, decorated with (eagle?) feathers & "tribal" designs, on a stand made of antlers. I payed $350 for it on eBay, and I think replacement value is around, or above, $1,000.

The next one is an early Kemal (Don Fogg + Murad Sayen) damascus Searle bowie, with walnut handle, and silver fittings and escutcheon. I bought it, again on eBay, for $1,000, and anything remotely similar by Don would fetch 2X or 3X as much...

The best missed opportunity is when Don had his rare pieces sale, with 2 superb Kemal pieces, a Viking dagger and a bowie with carved ivory handle in the shape of a falcon. They each went for less than $2,000, IIRC, which was ridiculously low.

What about you?

Joss, you captured some mighty fine deals out there. Good on you! :)

eBay tops my list of bargains. Not exclusively, but dominant.

Robbin Hudson Boar Hunter This one was gotten off eBay for $430 with a follow-up $150 tune-up by Rob to bring it to like new. Total cost: $600. New replacement: $1200-$1500.

Gene Osborn Silver Inlay Utility I captured this when no one was looking on eBay. Closed at $68.00. New replacement: $475.00 This is a LOT of nice work for the money.

I have other worthy stories, but these top my list.

The boar hunter is an outstanding deal. I envy you - and not only because of the price.

eBay clearly tops the list for me. I've gotten at least 1 good deal (nothing earth shattering, but good) on the forum, one on cuttingedge, and I've noticed some good prices at a purveyor's table at a show for pieces a few years old.

If I ever get my model 2 framelock from Mike Obenauf and it turns out to be as good as Art says. Then it will be a very good deal.:) ;) :cool: :eek: :p
Last year at the OKCA show I picked up an early Tim Hancock hunter with curly maple and silver inlay handles for $165. It also came with a signed Kenney Rowe sheath.
Recentely on eBay I picked up an early Toomy Lee liner lock that had beautifuly matched knarly sambar stag scales, also for $165. Incredibly on this deal, it was a "Buy it Now" option that another bidder passed up with a lower bid. And I thought I was a cheapskate!
I regularly get great deals off of eBay fullfilling my other vice, antique pocket knives.
This is tough, I've had some real deals (and some duds). I'd have to say it's a tie between a J.W. Smith interframe with abalone inlays for $500 and a Desert Ironwood Centofante for $400. Runner's up would be a Minnick MOP slipjoint for $275. Chamblin Black Pearl and Damascus double bolster 2 blade whittler for $675, and a Michael Walker Slipjoint for $255. Most of those were from eBay, but I won't reveal my other source.....:p
That same Don Fogg shiv was offered here at $700 for weeks. The same time a 'Mad Dog' was being offered for similar $ and got snatched up. Whatever....

I think he got exactly what the public will pay for this work. Unfortunately, Don is a 'hidden genius' and there are a number of us that can appreciate his work, but few enough that the prices will remain attainable.

Off to eBay to see what's cookin.... :rolleyes: ;) :D :eek:
