Best folders for the money?

Nov 16, 2002
Which companies do you feel make the best folding knives for the money spent?

To me, it's:

Schrade (got a good lockback for $10)
Cold Steel
The Griptillian series from Benchmade

Those Delta-Z's look sharp, but I have haven't spent the money to know firsthand.

I've said this before on similar threads; the Camillus Cuda MAXX is one of the best buys going. For what you are getting you cannot beat the price!
My vote's are in for:


I have been getting into slipjoints lately and these seem to be the best. I have a Case "Stars and Stripes" Swell Center Jack knife and a "Silver Script" amber bone Seahorese Whittler. I love em' both. Great knives.
I think all depends on what you are considering as the best folder, then to relate it to money remains pretty easy thing. Depending on personal preferences and objective conditions (law regulations, environment, performed tasks, etc) the answer may vary a lot for different people.
However narrowing this matter to my needs I could tip BENCHMADE Griptilian as one of the best (if not the best) buys. No matter 550 or 551 – what who likes better, my choice is 551 but objectively looking they are equal form usefulness standpoint.

Why I consider them as best buys? IMO the display the most reasonable balance between price, ease to operate, ease to carry, ease to use, strength, reliability, etc, etc.
I have to agree that the Cuda MAXX is a nice buy for a buck-thirty! Sweet lookin' too.


I also love my Delta Z Damascus folder!
In my mind there's no doubt that it's Victorinox. For the quality and durability you get (especially in the models with metal handles), they're absurdly cheap.
Griptilian any model. Can be had for under $50 brand new.
Discontinued/discounted Spydercos are hard to beat too. Navigators for $29.99 at smkw!!! nice!
SAK, everyday low price.(Istill think these things cut better than any other knife!)
Discontinued/discounted CRKT's. Southsummit has had some great buys on these.

And of course my personal BKFT$, How about a nib
BM940 for $80, and a nib Spyderco Mouse for $39.95?!:eek: :D
One folder in particular always seems to come to mind when I read these types of threads:

Al Mar SERE 2000

Great knife for the price.

As for makers in general:

--The Raptor--
CRKT is hard to beat. Very good knives. However, $ for $ I'll take a custom Carson over any knife any days. Looks, feel, materials, quality of workmanship. Doesn't get any better.

IMO Spyderco leads the pack when it comes to price vs. product. Others in no particular order are CRKT, Kershaw and V'nox.
I'm thinking Victorinox and Schrade...