Best Found/Free knives

Nov 9, 2000
The best knife I ever found was on an old naval airport out in the boonies where we lived. It is a machete that was laying out on the pavement with no handle left on it. I took it home and cleaned it, used rags and duc tape to make a handle(I was only 12 and this was all I had on hand). After I cleaned it a little better and rubbed oil on it I notice it said Sheffied, England on it. It was a lot better find then the bomb my sister and I found. No detnator or I wouldn't be here. We found it with a shovel!
Anyone else find cool knives laying around?
A guy I used to work with brought in a large Wade and Butcher sheath knife he found stuck in a tree while he was cutting fire wood. The thing was in remarkably good condition, I tried to get him to sell it, but I guess he knew a good thing when he saw it.
Best found/free knife on this end was a USMC marked KA-BAR found under the mattress of a house we rented when first married some 25+ yrs. ago. Last person there obviously put it there for 'security'...just forgot bout it. 'Found' a Randal #1 in a pawn shop bout 10 yrs. back....wasn't free though...had to part with 2 $20's to get my paws on it...course came with a sheath so I felt I got my $'s worth.

yea I live for the deal...
The best free knife that I have ever received was a Benchmade 720BT which I won in an impromptu "guess the knife" contest here on BF put on by John at Cumberland Knives.

Once again, I thank you John for the knife and for supporting the BF.

Stay sharp,


Small CRKT Mirage plain edge that I won from Roger at Bayou Lafourche Knifeworks during his last giveaway.

Sweet little knife it is!!!

--The Raptor--

[This message has been edited by Raptor (edited 11-10-2000).]
To echo Jim, the best free knife was a CRKT CF M-16, courtesy of Cumberland Knives and John's "guess the knife and win it" contest. Thanks again.


Let no one ever from henceforth say one word in any way countenancing war. It is dangerous even to speak of how here and there the individual may gain some hardship of soul by it. For war is hell, and those who institute it are criminals. Siegfried Loraine Sassoon
The best "free" knife that I know of is the Cold Steel Gunsite II Folder that some scum-bag stole out of my mailbox (package) last Friday (Nov. 3rd).

Dann Fassnacht
Aberdeen, WA
ICQ# 53675663
The only knife I won until recently was a Gerber EZ-Out from Roger at Bayou Lafourche Knife Works( Thanks again Roger. When the Spyderco Military I won here on Bladeforums shows up, well I guess I have a new favorite free knife.
I found a LM Supertool under my refrigerator. Don't know how it got there, but it's in my pocket every day now
The tip of the plain edge clip point blade is chipped, and it didn't come with a sheath, but other than that it was in like new condition.

Jason aka medusaoblongata
"I have often laughed at the weaklings who call themselves kind because they have no claws"

- Zarathustra

[This message has been edited by medusaoblongata (edited 11-11-2000).]
I found a nice Puma lockback in a cemetery, while visiting some family graves several years ago. Gave it to my father.
My best free knife is this figther by Bruce Bennett. It was a giveawayknife in Knives Illustrated. I´m very pleased with it


[This message has been edited by Adler (edited 11-11-2000).]
I guess my favorite free knife would have to be my Odessa II, Designed by Eric Wong, made by Tom Mayo in Talonite provided by Tom Walz. I ended up putting this one under glass in a frame by itself. I'd be too tempted to use this knife if Ihadn't.

The best free knife I know of is the Randall Model 3 I gave my best friend as a going-away gift when he and his fiance' moved to France. It was my first Randall.

Best free knife I ever found was a Gerber EZ Out I found down at the school a couple of years ago. Found out later that it belonged to a buddy I coached soccer with, so I gave it back. Don't like Gerbers anymore anyway.......


"When loss and gain are alike to one, that is real gain.."
My best/only free knife is a 9" Talonite knife,designed by me, made by Steve Rollert and free thanks to Tom Walz. I haven`t had it yet though! Does that count?

It is still in the design process, I hasten to add.


"To strive to seek to find and not to yield"
Ranger motto

[This message has been edited by The General (edited 11-12-2000).]
I guess I should add my good luck was followed by the bad(read stupid)luck of losing a throwing knife I had been carrying around. I was out tossing it at trees at a campsite out in the hills of Forks, Wa and I missed. No big deal, but the undergrowth is way thick. I never found it, & hope no one finds it with their foot first. I have lost other knives to theft also...
Ldyblade.......Yeah, I did that too. I was throwing at a tree along the banks of the Rogue River. Missed and lost the knife in the leaves. Luckily, I found the tree 2 years later while fishing, took another look, and found it!

"When loss and gain are alike to one, that is real gain.."
Let me start off by saying, I've given away a lot more knives than I own. Aside from knives as gifts from family and friends, I have received a lot of knives from the good folks here. I have a beautiful drop point hunter from Mike L6 Cooper and I just picked up an Arclite from Darrel Ralph for services rendered. My favorite was a gift from Sal Glesser of Spyderco, a Jess Horn C27 for an idea I gave him for his SpydieCard.

It's funny some of the guys at work, card carrying Sheeple all have mentioned to me they wouldn't mind a knife from me as a Christmas present. I like the idea of that.

"Will work 4 Knives!"
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