Best "kubotan" flashlight?


Jan 13, 1999
I've done a bit of searching, but I thought I'd run it by you just the same: Which small everyday flashlight makes the best makeshift "kubotan"-type impact weapon?

I have a couple of lights already (SureFire 6Z & MiniMag), but none of them strikes me as optimal. The SureFire last too short, and I wouldn't expect it work after a couple of blows. The MiniMag just isn't a good enough light, plus a bit on the fragile side, it looks to me. (And the Photon is too small, and the 6 D-cell Mag a tad bit too large :) )

Seems the Streamlight Batonlite and Inova X5 are highly recommended. Which of these would you put your money on? Are there better out there? I don't think either of these is available in Norway, so if you could tip me as to which dealers give good prices, I would appreciate it.
I use the AA Mini Maglite. This light was designed to be used for just such duties and isn't so expensive that if you had to ditch it you would be out big $$$.
AB, I've had both Streamlight Batonlite and Inova X5 (and X5T). The Inova lights are tough enough to smash a car window in. They are also much brighter than the Batonlite. They also use my depleted Surefire batteries, which makes them real cheap to run :D

The Batonlite is a nice piece of equipment in its own right. If you're thinking of it for anti-personnel defense, go for it. It is lightweight and compact -- almost hides in my hand, and I carried mine in a pouch made for a miniMaglite.

As a kubotan, get the Batonlite, since that's what it was designed for. The Inova is stronger, but a bit too thick.
I use a small Ray-O-Vac flashlight called 'The Industrial.' It's small, but when gripped, both ends stick out of your hand. It's yellow, so it looks innocuous (sp?) at a traffic stop. However, it's made out of that high impact plastic. It's a bright little sucker, as well.

It takes two AA batteries. Three bucks.
I have all:D

Personally, I'd be tempted to go with the Inova - it is way solid, and it doesn't have the little LEO unfriendly word Baton on it.

Some people will tell you that if you've got your keys on the Batonlite you can use this as a flail...

I have zip martial arts training but I have a lot of keys, and worry about the injury to myslef, and the possible loss of my house/vehicle keys while I'm engaged in combat. If you put a BG down, I'd guess you might want to leave?

Not much help if you have to scrabble for your car keys?

Any other views on that theory?

[edited because I can't spell Batonlite - called it Batonlie...]
I'm sure I could file off the markings :)

But yeah, I was certainly thinking that the "key flail" concept was sound. Maybe not. Not that my keys are more important than my health, but in that I'll more than probably end up hurting myself.
I dunno about the key flailing thing. I'm of the opinion you may buy some micro-second surprise time but you better be coming behind it with something worthwhile. Like others I wouldn't want to also risk losing my house/car keys. For a PocketStick type tool I'd probably go for the Inova.
Stay Safe,
Originally posted by AB
I don't think either of these is available in Norway, so if you could tip me as to which dealers give good prices, I would appreciate it.

No guarantees, m8. I bought my Inova off ebay (pretty good price - I think about $40? I got the batonlite from Texas Tactical Supply who I have recommended in the past. (I got my Arc AAA from there too)
Personally, I carry a Surefire E2e-HA with the GG&G Tactical Impact Device. It's a powerful light and with the TID could be used as quite a weapon!

BTW, I have yet to find out if the bulb will hold up to extremely hard strikes.
Originally posted by Steven Roos
Personally, I carry a Surefire E2e-HA with the GG&G Tactical Impact Device. It's a powerful light and with the TID could be used as quite a weapon!

s/could be used as/is

I surprised you can carry that in Kalifornia.
ISTR they were nearly as against SD as Britain... OK, forget that. Few places are.:(
Originally posted by soa
I surprised you can carry that in Kalifornia.
ISTR they were nearly as against SD as Britain... OK, forget that. Few places are.:(

Haven't gotten any flak for it yet...
There are several good kubotan lights, but the one I settled on is the Minimag with the LED replacement bulb called the Opalec NewBeam (there is a link to a review a few posts above, the product is at Unlike the Inova X-5 and batonlight, it runs well on ordinary cheap AA batteries (even rechargeables), so it makes a good general-purpose utility light that I use all the time. Definitely better than the stock Minimag. It is not quite as bright as an X-5, but it maintains a very usable and perfectly constant brightness for a long time, 8+ hours, before starting to dim. Not too bad and cheap to run. Also, I think the excellent X-5 is a little too short for a Kubotan, but that is a matter of personal preference.

For purely tactical purposes, I would rather have the stunning brightness of a Surfire, but as a practical matter, a great general purpose utility light that can also be called upon for use as a Kubotan in an emergency is what meets my needs the best. Plus that Minimag is very low-profile. No problem getting through security check-points and it will never make anyone think you are some kind of tactical nut. And I find that the Minimag is plenty sturdy and perfectly configured for use as a Kubotan, with the only weak point being the original incandescent bulb.

BTW, you can also put your keys on a Minimag just like the Batonlight or other type of kubotan, but like some others have said, I am not too crazy about the key-flail idea in the first place.

I have nothing against the X-5, and in fact you would probably like it better assuming it is long enough for you and buying the 123R batteries is not a concern. I just find that the NewBeam meets my needs very well and I am very happy with it.

Good Luck!