Best Kukri Handle

Sep 9, 2002
Which kukri has the best handle for long workouts. I like the M43's handle but how dose it compare to the others? Also which is better wood or horn?

Thanks All
Of seven favorites, 2 came with the handle just right. The other five - /19" Village Sirupati /AKbowie /M43 /18" WW2 /15" Sirupati - all were cut, rasped, and sanded to fit my hand and for the appropriate purpose it's be used for

19" Village Sirupati - fast, light fighter. Smaller than normal even for my hand so I could rapidly change grips.

AK Bowie top and lower steel straps taken down to my hand, front and back of handle slabs contoured to put the swell in the palm of my hand.

M43 - previously described somewhere

15" Sirupati. Rehandled by Pala. Emphasis on higher ring and deeper grooves.

18"WW2 - worked to hold 3 ways.

1) normal: two fingers in front of ring, two behind.
2) choked up: 3 fingers in front of ring, 1 behind.
3) power chopping. 1 finger in front of ring, other three behind. Leverage.
Oh, to your other question, in past, Water Buffalo horn was preferred to wood. Now the wood seems to sell better.

Some of that has to do with using seasoned horn to prevent cracks. I've had some 2 years without a crack, and next week there the crack is. You can keep stabilizing with lanolin ( hooflex ) and fix small cracks with superglue.

Wood isn't as bad, and I feel like I can reshape to my hand.

Does it really make a difference? If the khuk sings to you you'll take it home and never notice if it's wood of horn.
If you live in the jungle horn is great, all that nice humidity makes it very happy. If you use your khuk alot horn loves to be held, since its a natural material it just soaks up the juices from your hands. However, like Rusty says here in the states it can suffer dry cracks a bit more than wood. Then again listen to him if the knife is right for you it doesnt matter if its wood or horn.:)