Well if the Buck 110 is disqualified because it is older than 20 years, my no brainer choice for best knife of the last twenty years is the Original Leatherman.
While not strictly a knife, well is a SAK strictly a knife either? Whatever, I cannot think of anything else with a blade on it that has started its own category, nor had ssssoooo many rip-offs follow it. You think the clip and the hole of the Spyderco Mariner has been copied by everyone under the sun? Just about every factory out there from some Chinese prison labor based non-entity to Victorinox itself has a knock-off of some variant of the Leatherman line of multitools based off of pliers and foldable blades. No way has anything better or more influential come down the pike in the last twenty years. I have just as many multitools as I do knives proper. 1983 was a watershed year because of the Leatherman
"The cannibals of the West wear suits and ties"--Midnight Oil
[This message has been edited by lawdog (edited 16 September 1999).]