I don't know the best way, but I can tell you what I do. There's two types of browsing and email, offline and online.
Offline browsing means downloading web pages and email through your desktop computer into your PDA, then reading things on your PDA at your leisure. You can use avantgo or isilo to download web pages. In the case of avantgo, there are many web sites that have special PDA-formatted versions, and you can sign up for them just by clicking on avantgo's URL lists. Both programs will follow links down as many layers as you'd like ... for example, I subscribe to pdabuzz, and the top level page is really a bunch of hyperlinks to the actual stories. So, I tell avantgo to download 2 levels of hyperlinks, so I get not just the front page with hyperlinks, but the actual stories as well.
The other way to browse is online. I've decided to go the lowest-cost method I could -- in other words, I didn't want to pay a separate subscription for www access from my PDA, and I also didn't want to use a block PDA as my cell phone. My solution is, I bought a special wire from a company whose name I forgot (can look it up for you) that connects my PDA to my cell phone. For most GSM, PCS, and CDMA carriers (i.e., about everyone but AT&T), there's a way to use the carrier itself as an ISP "for free" -- or rather, they only charge you for the minutes, but not for the ISP service. Setting this up is VERY EASY: when you order the wire, directions come with it. You can use a whole lot of PDA-based web browsers -- I use both avantgo and eudoraweb -- to browse the web online. Different PDA browsers are relatively good or bad at rendering different web pages, so it's worth having more than one version. Upside of my way of doing this: it's "free", since I'm already paying for my cell phone and only getting charged minutes. Downside: I browse at 14.4k (!!!), so it's text-only.
Okay, so what you need:
Offline browsing & email: avantgo (Free) or isilo (something like $29).
Online browsing: GSM, PCS, or CDMA cell phone that HAS A DATA MODE (some don't!) and is supported by a carrier that has an ISP (most do). Wire to connect cell phone to PDA (~$50). avantgo (free), eudoraweb (free), any number of other browsers (most are not free).
Email: the standard mail program that comes with the pda can do offline email (I've never used this). I use eudoramail to read my email online.
So basically, with my setup, other than one upfront cost (the wire), plus cell phone and service (which I already have anyway), I surf the web online and offline for free. I read email for free, with one exception: if you have a yahoo email address you want to read, there's a ~$20/year fee to do pop email.
If you want faster service (>14.4k), now you're talking about paying monthly fees that are not insignificant.