Best way to get a Buck TNT n Ontario, Canada?

Jan 10, 2006
I'm trying to get my hands on a Buck TNT - but I'm in Canada and am concerned with the whole brokerage/customs/shipping deal.

Anyone have any good experienced sellers of Buck knives either in Canada or near Niagra Falls Michigan?(I'll make the road trip)

Lebarons has taken almost 4 days and I still don't have a QUOTE on the knife - never mind a chance to handle one.

THx for your help,

Post a WTB (wanted To Buy) in the Exchange Forum here, and you should have offers in a day or 2. I just traded mine yesterday, I am in Ontario as well. I've had 2; nice knives!:D
Bobby B said:
Post a WTB (wanted To Buy) in the Exchange Forum here, and you should have offers in a day or 2. I just traded mine yesterday, I am in Ontario as well. I've had 2; nice knives!:D

I bet you traded it for a Battle Rat! :rolleyes: :D
THx for the advice - put an ad in there. Have any tips on good retailers for knives here in Ontario?

Too bad but I believe the Home Depot in here doesn't sell much knives. :grumpy:
LFH said:
I bet you traded it for a Battle Rat! :rolleyes: :D
That be the one! :rolleyes:
It was a necessary part of a trade for something I just couldn't live without... (this week!:eek: :rolleyes: :o ).
bbcmat said:
...but I'm in Canada and am concerned with the whole brokerage/customs/shipping deal.

Anyone have any good experienced sellers of Buck knives either in Canada or near Niagra Falls Michigan?...

...???...There's a Niagra Falls Michigan??? :confused:

I lived in Niagara Falls NY until I was 26...Visited Niagara Falls Ont. Can. frequently...but never knew there was a like-sounding city in Michigan...

Live and learn... :)

[size=-2](Now, if it was me in Can, and I wanted to buy stuff on-line and skip the border hassle, I'd go to a small border town with it's own international bridge, like Queenston Ont, and jump across and rent one of those "accomodation addresses" from UPS Store or one of those places, and visit it periodically to pick up my duty-free/VAT-free purchases)[/size]
I don't really know the legality of this, but could someone here in the States buy one and send it to you as a "gift?" Would that still incur a Custom's Inspection and taxes??? Just asking.....
You may end up paying more, but you might be able to get it via one of the CDN online dealers. I requested a quote on a Northshore from knifezone laster year, and I'm figuring if she can get a northshore, she should be able to get a TNT. There may be other online CDN dealers. I got a Northshore and BM Mini-Grip seized last year, and haven't tried to bring any folders up since. Been staying either local or CDN online and biting the bullet on the higher price. In one sense, it's better that way for me - I have to think thru my purchases a little closer:D I'm actually using the stuff I'm buying and not just sticking it on the shelf for my collection:)

Hope this helps - gord
gordonk said:
You may end up paying more, but you might be able to get it via one of the CDN online dealers....
Hope this helps - gord

Maybe Joe can help him locate a local dealer.... or at least someone that knows the best way to get a knife to him....
THx for the interest Eric - bought a Sebenza large classic left hand double stud from truenorthknives instead - I decided a left hand model of a liner lock would be easier to handle - plus the look is a little more simple and inoffensive for common folk. Canadian too eh!

After 3 calls and three requests for a quote - nothing from Lebarons - not good a business practice for a client ready to spend.

Hey bbc..

No problem at all...

Glad you got something you like.
The Benza is a Sweet blade for sure...

