Beware The Pranksters!!!!

Mar 26, 2000
Please, for Hog's sake, verify the origin of any posts stating that they are "THE" post to start the frenzy on the new knives.

We just had one posted by "Idahogskunk" which appeared very legit.

A few offers ago, I thought it would be funny to post like that, people sent their e-mails, logged off, and went to bed. Then, Jerry put up the real post, and the folks who posted to mine seemed SOL.

Welllllllll, needless to say, Jerry was able to accomodate their requests, so it wasn't as disasterous as it could have been.:cool:

Again, BE SURE OF WHO IT IS POSTING, or else you will be late for the real offer.
Oh yeah. . . it's real funny until someone loses an eye!!!

I admit that I will be "testing the HOGs" throughout the day in order to sharpen their skills!!!


Jerry Busse said:
Oh yeah. . . it's real funny until someone loses an eye!!!

I admit that I will be "testing the HOGs" throughout the day in order to sharpen their skills!!!



What, like you don't have any knives to grind? I have a few you can work on. :D :p