Big news on the MoFos!!!!!!

Jerry Busse

Aug 20, 1999
Barring any unforeseen circumstances, the vast majority and hopefully ALL, of the MoFos will be shipped by Thursday. Lots of military orders right now, so "unforeseen circumstances" have become a way of life around here lately.

Here is the final breakdown on the numbers sold and where they fell.

MISTER MoFo Satin Finish = 61

UNCLE MoFo Satin Finish = 46

MISTER MoFo Tactical Grade = 79

UNCLE MoFo Tactical Grade = 64

These knives are beautiful! Very, Very Nice!!!!


Bad Ass Jerry! Good news indeed! I had better get the floor under the safe reinforced!
Damn...Well Jerry you now own the other bag on the Harley.
At this rate you'll own the whole thing inside of 18 months:confused:
Hey Jerry,
Can we see a pic of the whole lot?:eek:
We promise to be good;)
Originally posted by Jerry Busse
These knives are beautiful! Very, Very Nice!!!!



I got to handle one, but had to give it back and wait for mine...
Now THAT was cruel...!!!!:grumpy: ;) :footinmou er....good news...I guess....:grumpy:

Lucky the Skunk got me 1 of each, otherwise the gundster would be high & dry!;)

Stinky, that 'stubbie holder' you wanted in trade will be in the post man. Oh, sorry, "COOLER"...I forgot what side of the planet I was on...

I want to see pics you lucky bastids and plenty of em! Dont make me come over there!:mad:
WOOO HOOOOO!!!!! Darn, Kassi called me to confirm the address and asked didn't I have 2 coming. Like a fool I said no only one. Could have been like skunk and gotten 2,but then again I don't have to worry about being hunted down. LOL Glad to hear they are on the way.
