Big Sneaky or Duke?

Dec 12, 2002
I have been looking for an ideal Duke for awhile and now the idea of a BS is creeping into my head.

Can anyone that has used both give me some inclination how they differ in hand and in use? Shooting for 5/32" and TT if I can.

not sure I've ever handled a BS but the Duke is an awesome design, especially the Pro-Duke
Based on looks and specs, I’d go with the big sneaky. I think it just comes down to personal preference.
Andy nailed it above. Two pretty different knives overall, BSP is a fighter while the Duke is camp knife.
Both models I have enjoyed handling. I feel the Sneaky Pete handle lends itself better to the 4" model and variants. The Duke handle and blade shape are, in my opinion, better suited to the longer/5" blade length. No wrong answer....