There are 2 Spyderco folders that when they were on the Spyderco line up that neither model got much fanfare but now-a-days are both considered "collector gems". They are both big, full sized folders.
The C-54 big Calypso
The C-07 Police model with the G-10 handle and flat grind blade
It is my belief that if these 2 were on the line up NOW that they would be hard to keep on the shelves. I haven't had any fellow collectors have anything bad to say about either one and most of them would love to have them in their collection.
I personally think that both of them were a "marketing anomaly" of sorts. Please don't confuse that as meaning that the knives themselves were failures because I don't believe that at all but I do believe that there might be marketing lessons to be learned from these 2 blades not selling good while they were in the catalogs
The C-54 big Calypso
The C-07 Police model with the G-10 handle and flat grind blade
It is my belief that if these 2 were on the line up NOW that they would be hard to keep on the shelves. I haven't had any fellow collectors have anything bad to say about either one and most of them would love to have them in their collection.
I personally think that both of them were a "marketing anomaly" of sorts. Please don't confuse that as meaning that the knives themselves were failures because I don't believe that at all but I do believe that there might be marketing lessons to be learned from these 2 blades not selling good while they were in the catalogs