Big Spyder folders: Passed by, overlooked; WHY?

Nov 20, 2004
There are 2 Spyderco folders that when they were on the Spyderco line up that neither model got much fanfare but now-a-days are both considered "collector gems". They are both big, full sized folders.

The C-54 big Calypso
The C-07 Police model with the G-10 handle and flat grind blade

It is my belief that if these 2 were on the line up NOW that they would be hard to keep on the shelves. I haven't had any fellow collectors have anything bad to say about either one and most of them would love to have them in their collection.
I personally think that both of them were a "marketing anomaly" of sorts. Please don't confuse that as meaning that the knives themselves were failures because I don't believe that at all but I do believe that there might be marketing lessons to be learned from these 2 blades not selling good while they were in the catalogs :confused:
I would buy both of those knives in a heartbeat (only money would stop me)! I really like the design of those 2, and I'm a sucker for full flat grinds on large knives. My eyeballs were popping out of my head when I did see the prices of those (when I could find them) on e bay.
I have had both knives in the past, ended up selling them or trading them off. Why didn't they sell?? Who knows, but I think you may be correct, "right knife, wrong time". I liked both models, but if I am not going to use/carry it, I try not to keep it. My brother has one of my old Calypso's and he carries it everyday.
I always thought the G10 Police would have made it, everyone always says the SS is slick, well here ya go- G10. Nope, didn't sell well. Interesting. Us "end line users" can be hard to figure out sometimes. :confused:

I still want a C54 full size calypso, though for some reason I keep thinking the model # was C52.
another example of what you take for granted until its no longer readily available
There are 2 Spyderco folders that when they were on the Spyderco line up that neither model got much fanfare but now-a-days are both considered "collector gems". They are both big, full sized folders.

The C-54 big Calypso
The C-07 Police model with the G-10 handle and flat grind blade
IMHO, the Police model is one of the very BEST Police users. Too bad it's considered collectible.. :) We need another one Sal ... dark navy blue .. please .. :D

I'm not a fan of the big Calypso though. IMHO, there just wasn't anything special that endeared it to an actual EU over some of the other Spydie offerings it competed against. At one time, I had a matched set (SE & PE), and never had any desire to carry / use either one. Big Calypsos command a pretty penny these days, but I'm guessing that you'd be hard pressed to find significant numbers of EU's that actually bought and used them.

I thought they were an elegant version of the endura, which is one of my favorite spydercos. I had planned on carrying it with khakis or other casual dress clothing. I also liked the full height flat grind, with a lockback as opposed to a linerlock, and the leaf shape was awesome. In otherwords, I just can't understand why it didn't sell better than it did.;)
You know, now that I've owned an SS Police for a week or so, a G-10 version would definitely appeal to me. Whether I could afford one up here, is another story:) I have very dry hands in quite a dry climate, and it's slippery to say the least. Defintely more elegant than an Endura - I've actually been playing with the idea of either another SS/SE Police or an SE Millie.......:) I was OK with the Caly Jr, but I REALLY like the Caly 3 and it's now got me interested in a full sized Caly. In fact, I just may know where one is sitting on a shelf collecting dust;)

- gord
Another largish discontinued Spydie is the StarMate collaboration with Bob Terzuola. It remains one of my all-time favorites and I would snap up anther in a New York minute were they made available again, perhaps in S30V steel this time or, I can hope, in ZDP-189.
I've always liked bigger knives. Last year at Knob Creek, before I recieved my true Spyderco Edge-u-Cation (I'm only 15, folks), I saw a Police model with a G10 handle for $75 bucks---that's right. Silly me, I bought a Military instead; my mistake. Anyways, I would love to see something like that again, just as slim and serrated and maybe something a little unconventional like the Cold Steel (ha, i know) X2---that would be awesome for the camp.