Bill Siegle - fixed blades for every ocassion


Platinum Member
Jun 29, 1999
Bill Siegle has been making knives for years and he is usually good about listing whatever he comes up with in our Exchange Forum. But, since we seldom get to see his knives in Knife Magazines, it is hard to appreciate how versatile he really is. Fortunately, I had a chance to photograph a number of his knives, and I wanted to share some of my favorites with you.

The link below will take you to these photos. They are not for sale; but, I suspect some of you will be joining me in adding to Bill's order backlog.

Bill Siegle Knife Collection

I am the proud owner of two of his blades, a fighter and a camp knife, solidly built and all around great knives. I have tried to trade for a couple more, but I seem to be a little slow these days:mad: Glad I got what I have though!:D

Has anyone else had an opportunity to use one of Bill's knives?

Better yet, does anyone have photos of a Siegle knife which ought to be included in this photo archive?

N2S,I picked up an old style Hoodlum from Bill not to long ago.Ironwood handle with a brass guard.While I have not used it extensively yet I have chopped a 2x4 or two a pumpkin:D and a few tree limbs.The knife carries some heft with it and seems like a choppers dream.I have a partial scan of it some where,I'll see if I can find it.

If it is not on there send me a scan with the dimensions and details and I'll add it.

Here are some pictures of my Siegle knives. I would put up specs here but I already tried to post and it all erased:mad:. So you can look at the pics with them compared to some other knives. They are all made of 5160 steel. The bolo and kukri are 1/4" thick and the survival/utility is 5/16". Have not used the utility or kukri much. The Bolo is a nice chopper. The only other knives I have that can compete with it are my larger HI Khukuris.
By the way n2s, I wanted to say that I really like the Behemoth that you and Bill came up with. Looks cool:cool:.
I cant say enough good things about Bill. Ive owned quite a few knives made by him. In fact I designed and used to own that 9" blade heavy camp knife on not2sharp's website.Bill's a great guy and he makes great knives, theres no doubt about it.
Originally posted by not2sharp

Nice bolo.

Thanks. It is hard to pick a favorite out the three I have, but I think the lead goes to the Bolo. Just something about the sound it makes when I sink it deep into some wood. It is 17.5" long with an edge 10.5" long. And it is 2-3/8" long at the widest part of the blade. I really like the large cutout for the choil, makes it easy to choke up for fine work.

One thing I am very impressed with about Bill Siegle's work is the grinds. They seem to be perfect. And his designs are great. When I saw the bolo it was like somebody had made my ideal survival knife. I had to have it:D
WOW!!!!!! You guys are blowing me away! It makes me feel real nice seeing people enjoy my work. I try my best to please:) I like seeing the blades and hearing that some are actually being used. That is where the fun is. Keep the pics coming :D
These two pictures were sent to me by cerberus.



I will let him describe them, but, they look great.

Originally posted by Logan1
The bolo and kukri are 1/4" thick and the survival/utility is 5/16".

How much does something like the bolo go for? It seems Bill has made a design I have had in my head for a while :D
Originally posted by not2sharp
These two pictures were sent to me by cerberus.



What knife is this?!? I might get this instead of the Hoodlum II...What sizes does the blade come in? Thanks in advance.
Originally posted by Andrew Lynch
How much does something like the bolo go for? It seems Bill has made a design I have had in my head for a while :D
If you look at Bill Siegle's website,
Look at the Survival/Camp Knife. I think that would be the price of my bolo. But you could probably email Bill for the answer. I got mine through somebody else.
KWilliams the blade you are inquiring about is 6.5" from point back to the end of the where that blade is sharp, 7.5 from tip to mircatra. It is 1/4" thick and 5160 with a black coating of some sort. The scales are smooth black mircata and I have not seen any more like it. I do not know the age and I have not seen it in his current line up. It is a great knife, and the Kydex sheath is top quality and comes with a tech lock.

The Fighter is, by my calculations, 14 1/2" overall and sporting an 8 1/4" blade of 5160 and a gray coating of some sort. I have nto had the chance to really test these to see how well the coating holds up, but it has done fine so far.

Thanks for posting the pics NTS, you are the man. BTW, I got both of these in trade for some Cold Steel Product if memory serves me correct. I had a Stag Trailmaster and one if their Kuhkri's. I like to think I came out on the better end of the deal after haveing these for a while.

Guys, I am seeing a lot of questions about sizes and availability and such. I would like to explain how I operate. I have knives that I do make fairly regularly but I don't have any set models at all right now. Although the Hoodlums, Rangers, and "Green Utilities" get put together fairly often. Most of the knives I make are one of a kinds catering to my own tastes or those of the customers. I work at this for fun and unless I have an order,I don't make repeats too often. Keep the pics coming. I am enjoying the swelled head :D Maybe someday I'll be famous and then those knives will be worth something:p
Two of those that you have up were in my collection at one time or another. The 7" Camp Chopper (or one exactly like it) and the 11" Big Bowie with the single brass guard and parkerized blade. (The Guard mod and parkerizing were by my hand so don't blame Bill if it's too ugly.) In toto, I've owned 4 of Bill's knives so far and will buy more as time and availability allow. His grinding is sweet and his differential heat treat are truely awesome.
Note to Bill: You were asking when some of my work would be done. I recently finished the Puukko for Piet and as soon as I get the knife back from Leatherman with the sheath, I'll shoot you a pic.