BirGhorkha Village Models...


One of the khuks Berkely donated for me to issue out was a stocky 15" Villager (one of the old non-Bir Ghorka villagers). Ugly as a mud fence, but one very capable knife, so tough that at one point Berk had used the thing to pound nails with no more than some cosmetic damage to the spine. Well, something about the little khuk cried out to me, so I spent a bit of time draw filing the spine back to original, complete with center ridge. Then I polished the blade with various grits of sandpaper and put one scary sharp edge on it. The sheath had a split right about where the belly of the blade rested, so I carefully wrapped it with single strand copper wire. Not satisfied with the appearance, I completely recovered the scabbard with golden tanned doeskin, even reattaching the original chape.

When I was issuing out khuks the other day, one of my guys said, "I want that one please". The other guys were puzzled that, faced with all the shiny new khuks, he'd go for the homely old villager. He nonchalantly turned to his friends and said, "I can tell Sarge has been tinkering with this one, and he wouldn't waste time on a knife that wasn't any good. It might not look pretty, but I'll bet good money this one'll get the job done". I couldn't help but grin. If that one had been passed over in favor of the all the awesome khuks from HI, I would have had no lack of confidence carrying it myself.;)

I'm gonna have my antique .38 cremated with me -- heavy ashes.

Just make sure you don't do it near Bir Ghorka--the Kamis will dig that steel out of the fire and make it into a khuk...:D

Well, wait just a minute. I reread the above and maybe that's a perfect idea!:)
Originally posted by Bill Martino
I'm gonna have my antique .38 cremated with me -- heavy ashes.

Just make sure it's unloaded or you're liable to find yourself blown to atoms, let alone the crematory staff!!!!:rolleyes: :p
Sarge wrote:
One of the khuks Berkley donated for me to issue out was a stocky 15" Villager (one of the old non-Bir Ghorka villagers). Ugly as a mud fence, but one very capable knife, so tough that at one point Berk had used the thing to pound nails with no more than some cosmetic damage to the spine. Well, something about the little khuk cried out to me, so I spent a bit of time draw filing the spine back to original, complete with center ridge. Then I polished the blade with various grits of sandpaper and put one scary sharp edge on it. The sheath had a split right about where the belly of the blade rested, so I carefully wrapped it with single strand copper wire. Not satisfied with the appearance, I completely recovered the scabbard with golden tanned doeskin, even reattaching the original chape.
Darn, Sarge. didn't I tell you that batch of villagers was called the "ugly duckling khukuris"? Golden tanned doeskin! Dare I say, HOLY TOLEDO!Oh, and the bet still goes: if your soldier can break that knife, the steaks and martinis at Ruth's Chris are on me, as long as he brings back a piece of whatever he broke it on!:D