BK-16 vs. BK-17 vs. BK-2

Thank you all for the sound advice there's a lot to consider, but it all helps. Though with my own absent mindedness I completely forgot to say that I live mostly in a somewhat wooded suburban area close to center city Philadelphia, which is why I was asking about the most versatile of the two though it would of helped if I had specified my current location. :p

other than "camp chores", when I'm camping or hiking, a 3-4" blade is my most commonly carried item.
Used to be an Escabar (BK14) or Izula 2 -- the past few months, it's been the BK16.
AZ brethren we need to look no further than upper West Clear Creek for some great overnight camping. Keep bugging me, as I'm a bit distracted these days, and I'll clear a weekend and we can get out.
Been to West Clear Creek in the spring. Scouts traversed the creek a few times on a hike. I forget if it requires high-clearance vehicles to get there, but we had a base camp (vehicles near the tents). Nice spot, though fairly well populated.
The spot I went to in the upper creek area last year required high clearance, which I have. I can drive. Trailhead is called Tramway Trail. I went three hours downriver and spent the bulk of the time hiking right through the water. I did a really thorough and photo-heavy thread on that trip here.