BK9 vs. Ontario RTAK

Oct 16, 2002
I am at the moment trying to decide which of these two knives (Becker BK9 or the Ontario RTAK) I should purchase. Its use will be limited to camp chores and the like. Although I’ve never needed a knife quite this large, I simply just want one. I like the idea of having a fairly tough beater that can chop stuff. I know there’re other knives that fall into the same category, but the price of these two makes them especially attractive. Any thoughts on this comparison would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your help.
Get the RTAK and sand the grips down to fit your hand. The RTAK is well proven design for campside type activities.
I would highly recommend the BK-9 from Becker.

I recently aquired one through a trade here on the forums, but I was seriously considering buying one before that. For one thing, the photos do not do this knife justice...it's huge! I was really amazed at how large it was, but yet, how comfortable it was in my hand.

The balance of the blade is very good, and really lends itself to heavy chopping. The edge was razor sharp, and the overall grind of the blade makes for easy upkeep. The sheath is cheap, but very effective. Hey, what do you expect for under $60? Personally, I think this knife is definitely worth the money.

My only complaint about the knife, is that the composite handles on the knife get rather slick in cold weather. I noticed that if you hold it loosely, it can very easily slip through your grip. I'm not sure how to address this yet, without making the grip too bulky to hold. But it's a pretty minor issue really. Besides, I usually wear those things called gloves when it gets cold anyway. :D

You won't be disappointed with the Becker, believe me.
My vote goes BK&T 9 . . . unbeatable knife!!! I keep one in my vehicle and on my side in the field!:D
I would go with the BK9. I have a BK9 and handled an Ontario RTAK. I like the handle and the sheath better on the Becker. The handle on the RTAK felt a little big for me, but if you got big hands it might be better.
Thanks to all those that responded. It looks as if the popular vote goes to the BK9. Last night when my girlfriend asked me what I wanted for Valentines Day I knew just what to tell her. However she said she wanted more ideas so that it would be more of a surprise, so I told her about the RTAK too. I’ve got a feeling I’ll be happy either way. It's going to take some real self-control to hold out on buying it myself until Feb 14th. Maybe I'll just ask for some ties.

I've had a BK9 for a while, and it's a keeper. With a few custom modifications, I like it very much. I just rec'd a O-RTAK, and find it to be one super knife for the money. If I had to keep one only it would be a tough call. The RTAK is more of a short machete that will be ideal for clearing brush, however the BK9 is to me the ulitmate big bowie type knife and it excels at chopping. If the BK9 had Micarta handle scales like the RTAK, then it would be my fav, but I really like the Micarta handle on the RTAK. I can't believe RTAKs and BK9s cost so little. They are both winners in my book. If size is a concern, go with a BK9, since RTAKs are HUGE at 17" OAL. If you don't like recurve blades, don't get a RTAK since they come with a slight recurve blade edge.