Black Epoxy?


Feb 9, 2003
I wanted to use some black epoxy to fill in some file work..

Do I need to buy some. or can I just make it??

The knife has carbon fiber handles, so I was just thinking of mixing some of the carbon dust (from sanding) in with the epoxy, but I wasn't sure about how much to mix..

Any ideas?
Hey Darryl, there's another thread about this out there too. I use a couple drops of black Testor's model paint to color epoxy - you can use other colors too, red, white... It'll take the epoxy a bit longer to set up but don't be concerned, it will. Knifemaker's supply places sell epoxy colorants that work well too, I'm just cheap and go for the quick satisfaction.

Dave's right. Just use a few drops of testors paint. I use it on 5 min & 2 ton epoxy and it works great.
You can also buy small jars of powder pigment from some of the knife suppliers. They're only a couple ounces but they last for ages. I've had a bottle of the red and black for 4 or 5 years and haven't gotten half way thru em. You only use a tiny bit at a time. It's very economical and doesn't affect set up time that I've noticed.
To add another option, you can obtain some iron oxide from ceramic/pottery supplier. The stuff I have is a fine black powder that I mix with my epoxy. A google search revealed that you can get a plethora of, blue, yellow, etc.

>> DeWayne <<