Black G10 Warden

Mar 20, 2002
This is much better than expected... I was hoping for Black Paper... but this black G10 is great. And Yowza... it drew blood right outta the box... looks like I left a hair on the blade in the pic... it will scare the hair right off :eek:

I agree Jay... I was hoping for black paper as well but the black G10 warden will do nicely. Good looking knife for sure! :thumbup:

blackie warden is awesome!! look's great! very surprised, better then expected!:thumbup:
I hope I get to see mine some day... they must be on a mule train waiting for the snow to clear from the Mts. :grumpy:
Judging from the home site, black paper has left the building. My collection has just tripled in worth.

Rick - stirring the pot