Blackwood Litewave

Oct 2, 2000
Thought ya might like to see this one :)


looks like Neil has been spending some time with that Mayo Fella...:D I like it.....when Neil posted the picts of the Henchman without scales I was surprised to see holes in them also .
No wonder she balances and feels so great in the hand .

Very nice Phillip...but that Curr you have ~~ OMG !! That is so sweeeet. ! Made me change my mind from a Skirmish to a Curr after seeing yours and getting to handle both a Curr and a Skirmish at Vegas Classic . I forget who the curr belonged to though.....

That's kicking it OLD SCHOOL :) I made those before Tom EVER ventilated a Titanium folder frame! Those were great little knives but I have long since retired the pattern.

Nice find Mr.D, that one looks MINT!!!

Neil, why did you STOP making those? Everytime one comes up on the boards it gets a great reaction...


Yes I know!! Everytime one comes up on the boards, I get Emails asking about this new model of mine with holes down the blade!! :D

I just get tired of making certain patterns. I've retired quite a few models over the past few years. Some were quite popular like my Small Game model. I keep developing new designs, it's kind of like out with the old, in with the new ;) Yesterday Dan just DROPPED the Medium Tac off my website :eek: I made a BUNCH of those and still get requests for them. Something will take it's place soon!

Originally posted by the45guy
Hmmmm what would that be ??
(( BALISONG ?? :eek: ;) ))

NO!! I said SOON :p

It will be a while before I have the "right stuff" to make Bali's.
You already got the right stuff...the skills got the Skills !! ...OK then how about another idea....ahhh...check yer email in a few..... ;)
Did somebody say...(( BALISONG ??:eek:;)))

No question about the skills...Mr. Blackwood, or Neil if i may, you really ought to consider it!:)