Blade length for traveling by car in the lower 48 states.

Feb 11, 2003
I will be traveling down the east coast this spring and since i amlost without a folder i expect to take one for any use that may come up, but in doing so i do not want to offend any local leo,s should the need to show them my knife. mjmcdowell
The laws vary a good bit but anything under 2.5" should be safe anywhere. (3 inches would work in most places except Federal Buildings, Chicago or Boston.) The only place I know of with a ban on lock blades is San Antonio TX. You might want to check the links in the Knife Laws section for a more definitive answer.
There is no one single answer. Blade lengths may vary from no limit in some states to a 2.5" limit in places like Chicago, Boston, Cleveland, all federal facilities. I would argue that more important than simple blade length, is using common sense. Do not flash a knife when not necessary. Keep your car in shape so your are not pulled over and a knife is discovered during a search, and don't go to bad places or do bad things. I know that this is common sense, but it bears repeating. In my opinion, discrete carry of any knife under 3.5" will probably notcause problems, assuming that you are okay otherwise.
I would also recemmend carrying two folders; a larger one for heavier cutting, and a small knife (2-3") for when you in areas where a big knife is inappropriate.
Thank you guys who bothered to answer my carry question. I had a hunch about the answers I have been carrying a folder since my first spyderco standard 20 years ago but alot has happned since 9/11 and i have have not had to go out of my home state untill this pending trip..... ah.. for a nation wide right to carry law. mjmcdowel
Your ears don't even want to hear what I think about those IGNORANT laws.
I agree with the others. Discreetly carry 3.5".
I'd say no more than 3.5" also. That and common sense should keep you out of trouble.
For what its worth
I've made the trek from Columbus OH to Fort Worth TX and back twice now, hauling horses. Had to stop every few hours to check on them, water them feed them etc. in the 24 hours on the highway. Had to use my knife at almost every stop(opening water jugs, feed bags etc.), and always in front of a crowd since its not too often folks see a horse trailer parked at a fast food restaurant with horses hangin their heads out the side window looking around. Never had a problem in any state, throughout the trip.
I think the LEO would have to be a real jerkoff, or you'd have to be doing something stupid to get in trouble strictly on the size or type of knife.