Blade Show Dinner??

Oct 4, 1998
I know I saw a post at an earlier date about everybody from bladeforums getting together for Dinner the Friday night of the Blade Show in Atlanta.

So has anybody figured out when or where this is going to occuur?

I am just trying, as I assume most of you that are going are, to try and plan my attack before I show up to pack as many knife realted activities in to that weekend as possible..

Any info would be apreciated.

Also does anybody know anything about Atlanta's public transportation system, I am flying in and need to figure out how to get to the show/ hotel ect, from the airport. I also need to figure out how to blow some time before my hotel opens my room because I am getting there early friday morning, are there any knife shops nearby??

Thanks, Alan Folts
Ditto. Love to have some info.

I am flying in Friday morning as well. I was trying to figure out where the hotel and the conference center are in Atlanta by Yahoo maps. I don't think the show is REALLY in Atlanta per se. May be an outlying suburb in which case I would think public transportation is going to be lacking. I've resigned myself to hopping a cab to the hotel. Good thing the hotel I am going to be at will only be a mile from the cenference center.

Sing, what time do you get in and where are you staying?

Maybe we could share a cab to save on funds...

Being without a car is going to be the biggest downfall for the show weekend...

Figure on having the main dinner Friday night and another dinner Saturday for those who come in late. Both dinners will be at the Ruby Tuesday which is in the Cobb Galleria mall. As we get closer I will anounce times. The only problem is we can not reserve tables there. We may switch to another restaraunt so stay tuned and I will anounce updates here.

All drinks are on me of course!

Best Regards,
Mike Turber
BladeForums Site Owner and Administrator
Do it! Do it right! Do it right NOW!

The Airport is on the South side of town and the Cobb Galeria is more on the North side. So it my memory serves me right it's about 25 minutes drive from one to the other.
The rail system in Atlanta is pretty good, at least better then many I have been on. I would suggest riding it north and catching a cab from a closer terminal. The hotels I have stayed at would come pick you up and give you good instructions on how to get there. I will also note, that depending on traffic, the rail transport option can be much faster.

Shaded Dude!!

How bout picking me and Sing up at the airport around 10...

You know I can make it worth your while in knife stuff...

I get in at 7:20 AM but Im sure I could blow a couple hours in the airport...


Thanks for the offer to wait, but someone picking up two other guys arriving at 9:30 AM offered to pick me up as well. A full load. We are all part of a larger group staying at the same hotel - Holiday Express Inn Galleria.

I hope other folks will respond. Seems like a lot of people will be arriving that morning.

Hope to see you at the show.

Sounds cool. Me and my uncle will be there for friday's dinner.

Mike, I hoep that when you say "Drinks" it includes Soda also
. I've never really been that much into hard drinks myself.


Self improvement is a hobby of mine :).

As I am sure many of you know, Atlanta can be a fun place. Since the town is growing fast, there will probably be a nice place to eat that will reserve tables close by. For it's size, Atlanta is pretty easy to get around.

Mike - Had I known a little farther in advance that you were buying, I would have gotten some practice in. I guess only a couple of pitchers will have to do.