Blade staining / discoloration

Feb 8, 2003
New to forum, And I need help! I have made blades from files before and the blades stay mirror smooth after final buffing, for a long time. Recently I purchased a Green River skinning blade blank from Koval. I love the design and it stays "Razor" sharp...but the blade stains and discolors everytime I use it. Is this due to the carbon content or what? Can anything stop this? I use the knife in the kitchen as well as when hunting (for skinning etc.) Thanks in advance......Way Cool Site!!!!!!
Carbon tool steels in general will stain when exposed to acidic substances such as citrus fruit, meat, etc. This creates a patina that darkens the blade but does not in any way affect its utility -- in fact, a lot of people (myself included) rather enjoy the look that a well-used carbon steel blade acquires over time. My favorite large kitchen knife is a French chef's knife that is almost entirely blackened except for the razor sharp edge. I believe that the simpler carbon steels (1084, 1095, Carbon V, 52100) probably are more susceptible to this than those which have a significant amount of chromium in them, such as D2.