Blade stains

I had my late father's Old Timer repaired at the factory. They replaced the blade, but after only a couple of uses, it stained. I realize it is probably the material, because this doesn't happen with my more expensive knives. How can I remove the stains?
Oct 5, 1998
Your Old Timer is probably a carbon steel rather than a stainless. To tell you the truth, Old Timers are supposed to be rusty and stained. All of my grandfather's are.

- AKTI Member ID# A000322

- Intelligent men, unfortunately, learn from fools, more often than fools learn from intelligent men.

Old Timer knives are made of very high carbon steel, at leat their traditional folders are. You can't really do much about it. Its going to stay a kind of brownish color no matter what you do.

Just because I talk to myself doesn't mean I'm crazy. What's wrong with getting a second opinion?
I have a cuple of old cases that I got from my Grandfather that also have stained blades...I like to leave it unless it's some form of serious rust...FYI, I've had good luck removing rust spots from blades using this stuff called "CLR". It's available at most hardware stores, usually in the bathroom cleaner aisle...

That's not a stain, it's patina! It's beautiful!

If you insist you can polish it off, but it'll come back. You could keep it looking bright like a yucky modern stainless blade if you keep polishing it, but it'd save you trouble to buy a yucky modern stainless knife instead.

Another approach is to blue the blade -- see the bluing thread; I just posted there.

-Cougar Allen :{)
Thanks to all that responded. I have several modern blades, all of which are stainless -- some with coatings. I thought the Old Timer was stainless until you bought it to my attention that it was carbon steel. Thanks a lot.
