Special REKAT Carnivour, who's interested?


HPIC - Hatas gonna Hate
Staff member
Super Mod
Oct 2, 1998
I just got off the phone with Bob Taylor again (I'm calling him more than my parents these days, go figure), and I mentioned that some of you guys had been interested in a marked REKAT Carnivour.

He asked me why I didn't go ahead and offer them up. After I was done kicking myself, I nailed down some particulars with him, so here they are:

Again, we need a minimum of 50 orders for these knives to be able to make this purchase. Blades will be marked with the logo, but will otherwise be the same as standard Carnivours. Price will be $169.95, plus shipping, and the knives should be here in 2-3 *weeks*.

Why are these coming sooner than the Sifu's, you may ask? Because these knives are being finished as we speak, and just need the logos put onto the blades.

So, if you are interested in having one of these knives, please send an email to , and we'll put you on our list of buyers. Do NOT SEND CREDIT CARD INFORMATION AT THIS TIME, we'll email you when it's time for your order.

Thanks again for your support, and thanks to REKAT for being so willing to work with us to help you guys!

BTW, if you want to see what a Carnivour looks like, check out the pre production prototype on the front of


Kevin Jon Schlossberg
SysOp and Administrator for

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Excuse me for asking, I wonder how the price compares to what will be at the internet sites?
Good question. Bob asked us to sell this knife at this price, so we are unable to discount it.

Of course, it will have the logo on it, so that will make it different from the ones offered anywhere else.

Also, there will only be a limited run of these Carnivours with the logo, then we will not offer them again. In other words, they will not be a regular item here on


Kevin Jon Schlossberg
SysOp and Administrator for

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I have seen the picture of the prototype, but never the production version. What are the final specs(blade length, materials, etc..). I would love to get one with the logo, just want to know what I'm buying

Are these coming in the same time as the Sifus, oh let the answer be yes

All of God's Critters may have knives, but most of them are Benchmade Knives
Bob has specs posted in the misc manufacturers forum. Sounds great.

After reviewing the specs, I am interested in seeing what the delivered blade curve looks like. This is a high-end knife in my budget, so I want to make sure it is right. I really liked the prototype, so if the blade looks right, I will order one.

Spark, can we get a little better description of the blade shape/curve from Bob Taylor? Maybe REKAT has a knife with the same approximate blade we could look at. Sorry to be such a PITA.

The description is here:

[This message has been edited by Bob Irons (edited 18 April 1999).]
Delivery will be in 2-3 weeks. The Sifu will be here in 2-3 months, we're shooting for June.

The reason the Carnivour is coming so fast is because he is basically already done with them, and they are almost ready for assembly. So, if you want one, you better get your order in soon, because there isn't going to be much lag time before they get here.


Kevin Jon Schlossberg
SysOp and Administrator for

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What, exactly, is the logo, as it would be engraved/etched on steel?

There is no safe seat at the feast,
Take your best stab at the beast!

We're still working on a stenciled version of the logo (showing "" and a knife blade), but it will basically look like a slightly modified version of the logo on the front cover of this site.

I would guess that it's going to be acid etched into the blade, but you'd have to ask Bob for that information.


Kevin Jon Schlossberg
SysOp and Administrator for

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Is this the same design that will be on the Blue Natives? How is Spyderco handling that?

Paul Neubauer
We're not sure if it's going to be the same design or not (since the Native has less area to work with) but you'll know as soon as we do.

Folks, we need to get cracking on these Carnivour orders, we're still short for the minimum order. Don't forget you can get the knife in either left hand or right hand configurations, you just need to specify when you order.


Kevin Jon Schlossberg
SysOp and Administrator for

Insert witty quip here
The $169.95 price is below what one internet dealer thought they would be selling for when they are available, we exchanged E-Mails.
I be close to going for it. Anybody else?

I am going for it. I have wanted a REKAT, now here is my excuse

Please, place me on the list!

I WANT ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Markus Blattner

Spark - I emailed you already reference this knife. What's the status on the order - is it going to fly?


I too have placed an order. Is this model not garnering sufficient action to bring it through the BFC store? That'd be a shame.

Ouch I forgot! Please make my order reflect right handed. Sorry..blew that as it wasn't on my "check list".


[This message has been edited by bald1 (edited 24 April 1999).]