Blems and bargain for 8/13

While staring at the pictures I just noticed that the knife labeled as a 15" Sirupati actually has a Chainpuri blade with the dove eye cho. That makes since because the big Suripati has a Chainpuri handle. Might be a little mix matched but I actually like that. Kind of like a hybrid SiruPuri and ChainPati.
What they said! Buy them up Eric! The more the better! Aunti always has more in the pipeline!
It would be interesting to compare the edge geometry of the BAS and AK. I think the easiest way to do that would be to chop both blades into a piece of soft wood a few inches apart, then take a side-view photo of the two "V" cuts. An ordinary 2x4 would probably work best.
david, sorry I forgot to do this test. Since this post I no longer have this AK or BAS. A good friend of mine's son and son-in-law are now both proud khukuri owners though.