BM 705 or 941?

Feb 1, 2003
First off, thanks to everyone who helped me winnow down my choices, and select some fixed utility blades. You sure are a friendly bunch! :D

I am now in the process of considering a folder. I have an Al Mar SERE 2K for "bigger" jobs when I can carry it, and am getting a BM 551 as a knock-around folder.

I am now looking for something other than these two, or a pure "dress folder.". My work dress is business casual, but where I work, something discreet is better, but I think I could pull off the 941.

So, what are your opinions of these two models based on experience, or what you've heard from others? In what uses do they excel, and what are their individual weaknesses?

Alternatively, I am also looking at the Spyderco Kiwi and BM 770 series too as "pure dress" knives. If you think those would be/are better choices, let me know that too and why.

out of the given, i would go for the 705. both with handle pretty much everything as long as it isnt too "hard" (that is why you have the SERE), but the design and size of the 705 appeals to me.

have you considered possibly a mini afck in M2?
great steel, but it is a liner lock if you dont mind
Based on your statement "dress folder", I would stick with either the 941 or the 770. The 705 is a great folder, but probably not one I would consider "dress". (Not that there is anything ungly about it)

I carry my 941 as my EDC, and being the carbon fiber model, it also works very well as a "dress" folder. I will be getting a 770 as both a backup and an EDC for when the 941 is too much. The 770 is a bit more dressy, but also much smaller. Still a nice size though, and I hear it can handle itself just fine on larger jobs.

The key is to hold them in your hand and compare them side by side, but if that isn't possible, I suggest the 941 simply because I've never found a better knife for the price.

I own both and will be brutally honest.

The 705 is quite sturdy but tends to be a bit thick when clipped inside your pocket at work. It's length is just right, but it is difficult to put your hand in your pocket to pull out spare change because the sides are flat and the corners are square. The scales are plastic and I like the feel.

The Osborne doesn't have that thick feeling because the corners are beveled. It feels better in the pocket. However, the Osborne DOES get unhappy looks from non-knife people because of the longer blade length. The sides are coated aluminum and feel kind of like a school blackboard.

[edit] Oh yeah, the Osborne is easier to open because the beveled corner directs your thumb toward the thumbstud. The flat sides of the 705 make it a bit more difficult to open.

I love the Axis lock. Both are excellent choices. Just my HO, of course.
Thanks for the opinions so far. Lots of good points to consider before pulling the trigger.

Jonmok, considered the AFCK, but looking for the AXIS lock.

Frodo, did you notice any difference in the action between the 770 and 941? I tried a 771 that seemed a bit "sticky." Handle felt pretty good though.

Work, would your issue about the 705 hold in looser fitting khakis versus jeans? My business casual pants have a little give in them. Or would you say a 771 might fill the bill better given comparable blade sizes?
I own both and I prefer the 941 for either EDC or dress carry. I just find the 705 to be a bit small for real comfort in the hand. I was able to also pick up the 941D2CF and it really is impressive, with a mirror-polished D2 blade and bronze washers. I don't think it is threatening in a sheeple environment when used with just a bit of discretion.
The blue-black 941 and the purple 941 are excellent as dress knives. The red one also has BC1 coating (the other two have BT2 Teflon) which makes it even snazzier.

The 77x series are incredibly snazzy, but many people have trouble with the handle. YMMV
The 770 is a nice size, but the thumbs stud and axis lock are both sized down compared to the 941 and other benchmades. This allows it to look dressy, but also makes it just the slightest bit harder to work. Both snap out just fine for me, but the 941 just feels absolutely natural to me. My thumb never searches for the stud, and it has enough heft to simply flip back into itself when I'm done with it.

One thing about the 941 and khakis versus jeans. When I wear khakis, the end of the 941 is definately more noticable than with jeans. This is not a problem for me, but something to consider. It is absolutely not a fit or function problem, just an issue of noticability.

I don't think you would regret a 941 purchase.

Frodo, have you tried out a minigrip? The mini grip is even smoother and definately easier to open.
Gotta love thoe 94x's though, big knife that doesn't feel big in the pocket.
I carry the 770 everyday at the office and the 941 on weekends. What a great combo! I have a bunch of other ones that get left at home since I picked these two up. Bought them at the same time and used them everyday since. The 770 is nice and discreet but a lot of knife when it comes to cutting. The 941 feels a lot better in the hand but other than that the difference in pure cutting ability is not that great.
Thanks to all who helped me out here.

I think the idea of a 770/771 weekday, and 941 weekend is pretty appealing. With the reasonble prices out there now, getting one and saving for the other isn't too outrageous.

Thanks again!