BM 720... comments?

Oct 2, 1999
I am still in the market for a new knife to replace my BM 812. While at the local knife dealer today I ran across a BM 720 with the new Axis Lock. The best I can tell it looks kind of like the 750 Pinnacle shown on BM's web site. Does anyone know about or own this knife? If so what are your opinions on it? BTW, it (the 720) isn't listed on BM's web site yet (for some reason). Thanks for your input.


[This message has been edited by ldrunyan (edited 04 October 1999).]
I also got to handle a 720 yesterday, and it is the Axis I have been waiting for. The drop point is low and the belly seems almost recurved, but the handle was as comfortable as I had hoped. The pivot up/pivot down option must be nice for the clip users, but they left left handers out of the equation. Too bad, because that is one of the Axis locks best features.

San Francisco, CA

I just tried a 720 last weekend. I like the slight bevels in the scales. It makes the handle very comfortable to me. The grip seems a little short to me, but it is more comfortable than any other folder that I have tried. I also like the way they shaped the handle that should prevent you hand from sliding forward. The othe two knives that I am considering are the Emerson Specwar and Commander. Both have finger grooves and a 'tang' that will prevent you hand from sliding forward.

I REALLY like the axis lock. I agree with everybody else who says, " Why didn't I think of that."
