BM 730 ARES vs. Spyderco Enduro FRN.

Aug 26, 2002
I was looking for a nice 3 -3,25" folder, and just for fun tried BM 730. This was awesome! Good grip, smooth action. The problem is that I already have a nice EDC -- Spyderco Enduro FRN 50/50. So the question is -- is there any sense in buing 730( pprobably the main excuse for me to get it -- ridding of half serrated edge).
I loved everything about my 730, except for the cutting performance. The grind was far too thick to cut efficiently. Don't expect it to cut like an Endura.
Buzz, how old was your 730? In the past year and a half or so, the 710s I've handled have had vastly improved edges. Literally double or triple the performance out of the box of the older ones (I know this, because I've kept the test medium constant 'lo these many years).

pyton, I feel the endura is the best zytel-handled folder bar none. In fact, as an overall utility beater, I don't think there's any better folder -- FRN-handled or not -- for the price (at discount) than the endura.

That said, the 730 is in a different class, and deserves its higher price ... provided, of course, the thing cuts. If Benchmade hasn't improved the edge since Buzz got his, you might have to spend an hour re-profiling the edge, but the resulting knife will be killer.

Not even close. They are in two totally different classes. The Endura gives you a basic "plastic-handled" inexpensive knife that does have good cutting ablilities.

The 730 is built like a tank, with a beautiful, very useful , do-anything blade profile. I have the regular PE, satin finished model and it came razor sharp out of the box. I also picked up the limited edition model in M2 with CF scales. Both cut like crazy. Maybe I've been lucky.
Joe - I purchased the knife about a year and a half ago. The edge bevel wasn't the problem, but the thickness of the steel directly behind the edge. To put it simply, the grind was quite thick. The knife was very well made, but just wasn't ground thin enough to cut well. From what I've sampled, the 730 isn't even in the same class of cutting efficiency as the 710 or Endura.
Joe, Buzz,
My 730 Ares is numbered pre-production, 0431/1000 and it has the edge 0,5-mm thick near the heel and 0,7-mm at the belly, measured with 0,1-mm accurate caliper exactly behind sharpening area. IMO this is somewhat improper kind of grinding, I would like thicker edge near the heel for powerful cutting (better leverage) and thinner at belly and point area for fine work. However a very most of production blades are ground this improper way, exceptions are quite rare.
No matter for me, I’m very rarely satisfied with factory edge and practically always put my own custom edge with decent deal of thinning back bevel.

Don’t you scary people in so urbanized area like Moscow drawing your Endura? ;) IMO smaller Delica would be better choice for urban carry. Anyway traveling to Moscow slightly more than year ago I have equipped myself with Delica mostly due to its modest and non-people-scarring look. BTW, quite enough cutting power for urban daily needs...
Joe and Dick are quite right, Endura and Ares are playing in different leagues. Endura is typical lightweight folder what provides a lot of cutting power in possibly slim and lightweight package. This makes it excellent choice if you are traveling in wilderness and are strongly limited as to equipment weight conditions.
Ares is typical “full-program” heavy duty folder pretty suitable for urban carry. It is built on steel load-capable frame and can take pretty big deal of abuse, of course if we don’t forget that we are speaking about folders. With 3,5-inched blade and colored handle it could be less bystander scaring than Endura despite far higher strength and capabilities.

I like mine a lot and the only reason why I do not carry it is that it’s numbered pre-pro. I would be heavily shocked if I would lose or damage it. Griptilian 551 makes my urban daily carry mostly because I don’t hesitate putting it into real life use.
To Sergiusz Mitin
My problem with smaller knives are my hands :) Moct 3" blades I feel like toys (exept for Lil' Temperance)So I have to stick to larger blades. And I was quite young when buying Enduro and liked it`s scary look.
To Everyone.
Thanks! Probably I won't be able to pass by 730.

Here is the 730 Ares in my hand. Not too good photo but it could help you to imagine its size, taking into consideration that I have medium sized and pretty average shaped hand.
BTW, if SPYDERCO Lil’ Temperance handle fits your hand comfortably why you wouldn’t go with it?
Thanks for the foto!
And about your question...
Now I have a knife, which has nothing irritating ( exept serrations, but I can live with them), and a bit short of money. So I have time to gather abit "intellegence" and think it over. I'm already thinking about Lil'Temperance, but for ~200$ I wish to add some style to the perfomance.
But as a result I'm always in choise like "What do you want sonny -- toy car, big bunch of bananas or ticket to "Lord of the Rings"?"
Hmm, with “a bit short of money” I definitely would go with BENCHMADE Griptilian, no matter 550 or 551 (I personally like 551 better). This would bring you 95% of Ares’ performance for slightly more than half price...

Did you read my writing on Griptilians in PROREZ magazine’s 4’2002 issue? These knives are really among very best buys if not the best...
Actually, the blade from Buzz' 730 now resides in the handle of my 730CF(notHS). It cuts great. It comes with pretty standard Benchmade edge geometry, but responds just fine to the usual improvements. True, there may be a few percentage points difference between this blade and the very top cutters with wide blades and thin edges, but it isn't very important, at least not on this knife. The Ares is cool because of the handle design, the Axis lock, and a pretty versatile utility blade shape.
I'm sorry to say this, Sergiusz, but I missed PROREZ #4.2002. I'll try to find it, but...
Mini-Groptillian seem to be abit to...utilitarian-designed, maybe. I've heard nothing exept good about this series' perfomance. But when not in desperate need of any cutting device, there is time to save some damned metall:) and get something with style, even if it won't improve the result.
BTW. Do you use FRN or SS Delica? Just qurious.
FRN Delica is my favorite urban travel knife.

I am not partial to plain steel handles considering them too slippery.
I have scans of this writing in PROREZ, don’t hesitate to call me privately if you would like me to e-mail them to you.