BM 805 to big for EDC?

Feb 22, 2003
is a BM 805 to big for an EDC? it has a 3.93 inch blade or so, I just love the way this thing feels and looks..........would be exceptionl for defense, I plan on buying it tonight, so whats your opnion?
i think that the best edc is what is most comfortable for you, especially for self-defence. when a situation arises, you want the most comfortable knife with you. the only problem i can see with a 4 inch blade is the environment you might work in, but if that is not a problem, then dont worry about a thing, and enjoy!

yes the 805 TSEK has a 3.93" blade. The 806D2 AFCK is 3.96". The latter is regarded to be a classic by many. There was a push to get it produced in an Axis lock for quite some time. It is a knife which can be opened quickly, with one hand - flickable. This is possible with quite a number of BM Axis locks actually, especially by loosening the pivot screw, with practice. But these two are about the best for that though - due to the heavier blade weight. As a consequence, you usually wont be faced with having to accept a compromise in terms of blade play, which can occur when the pivot screw is loosened - wont need to do that in other words, with those, most probably.

But as an EDC? Those are quite a bit bigger than most would consider a good fit for that description. Too big in the pocket, for one thing. As for how it will come across, well that depends on your environment, as jonmoc says. But let's say you are a student on a campus somewhere. I don't think it will go down well there, not at all. A better choice would be a 705 - that is by far the choice of the majority of people who know their Axis folders, as an EDC.

Oh also - plain edge.
Way too big for me. I'm trying to be a little more realistic with my next purchase. For defense, I think I'll rely on my Sig 239, or, when not available or allowed, the Streamlight Batonlite.

I need a knife to cut things like string, tape, etc., and I need it to be sharp. A big blade doesn't really figure into my EDC.

Spyderco Kiwi, anyone?
What about a BM 556 Mini-Grip? Friendly size, and if your student it might not get you arrested! It depends on the enviroment, if you I personally wouldn't carry anything over 3" for EDC. Expect for an EDC when I'm fishing and camping (I try to have the largest but pratical blade possible then :D )
BM805 too big for EDC?

Well, my 806D2 is my primary EDC right now, with absolutely no size problems, so I guess not.

Why not carry the Benchmade on your strong side, and a smaller, lighter second knife some place else (your weak side, in waist band, etc.)? That way, you have one knife for bigger jobs, and one for smaller. A good choice for the second knife would be a small Spyderco.

I carry a Benchmade 735 every day in one of these:


Works like a charm. Bought it here:

Horny Toad
I don't think it's to big at all.
Of course, I carry a Spyderco G-10 Police...

Once word of caution: once you get used to carrying a large folder, you may find it very difficult to go back to a smaller one.
After carrying the Police model around for several months, my Benchmade 555 feels too small and my fingers feel too crowded.
The longer handle on the Police just feels so comfortable.

Good luck,