Bm 806 d2 question

Oct 15, 2002
I just got this knife a few minutes ago. First thing i noticed was its not as smooth as my liner lock afck. Also the axis lock is a little stiff. Is this normal for this knife? Its brand new, and i feel a big difference between this and the axix 940 i handled at my local gun shop. I probably just need ta loosen the pivot but was wondering if anyone else experienced this?
I've been carrying mine for about two weeks now and it is smooth as silk as it was straight out of the box. I'd check the pivot screw. I know that this probably doesn't help much other than to tell you that it shouldn't be stiff at all. Good luck:)
The pivot screw makes a big difference. Just tighten it enough to center the blade when closed, and prevent blade play when opened. Something about the 806 is the blade is much heavier than the 940, and if you flick the knife open like a Spyderco or without holding the axis lock, the blade will swing open so hard that it will really wedge the axis lock mechanism in the open/locked position. It can be difficult to close, and nearly impossible to close with one finger at first. It will break in with time though.

Things like this can be very subjective, but I would also recommend adjusting the pivot screw.
Thanks for the input, i'd loosen the pivot but the only torx set i got is the one benchmades replaceing as we speak.:(
The T10 torx screw used for the 806's pivot screw is a very common size. Chances are, if you have a multi-bit screwdriver or such, there is a T10 bolt supplied.
