BM 940 or Spyderco Lum Chinese

The Best 3+ Inch Sheeple Friendly EDC

  • Benchmade 94X Series

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Spyderco Lum Chinese

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
May 3, 2001
I can't believe it but it looks like I've lost my Benchmade 940, the winner in my search for a sheeple friendly office time all purpose knife. I'm now carrying my out-of-office EDC a Microtech Amphibian. The "Phib" is a great knife but a little too intimidating for the office.

Some advised that I should replace the 940 with a Spyderco Lum Chinese. My gut tells me to get another 940. Whatever I choose needs to be big enough for self defense which eliminates many "gentleman's" knives. Street price must be no higher than $ 100.

If self-defense is an issue, definitely go with the 940. The Lum is a beautiful knife, but from the shape of the grip and the blade, I don't think it would lend itself wel to self-defense applications.

A an EDC, it's possibly even more sheeple-friendly than the 940, but I wouldn't recommend it for self-defense.
I go with the BM in a second. Especially if you can lay your hands on the cfd2 model 941. oh nelly that is a sweet one!
But i still have a hard time picking which is prettier overall, my 940SLV or plain old those green slabs/purple spacer against the satin steel.
BTW, if you do get another 94x, I highly recommend calling BM and getting some chrome clips to replace the stockers, it improves any of the 94x's looks greatly.
I voted for the BM940. I personaly liked the blade profile of the BM943 and that's the one I got. I like the fact that they come with black clips, camouflages very well with my black jeans. They are all nice and the Axis Lock Rocks!