Bm 941 D2cf ?

Dec 15, 2002
Just wondering about your thoughts on the 941D2CF. I am seriously considering one. Anybody got a picture of one? If I am going to get a 94x benchmade would you recommend spending the extra to get this one? thanks for the forum. dtsoll
I've got one and it's nice. Gary Graley prefers the 941BC1RED which is 154CM steel, but he's kept it and let two 941D2CF's go.

Is it going to be a safe/drawer-queen? What will you be using it for if it ain't? Could you stand the feel of powder-coated aluminum against your hand and buy a plain 943? Could you be aided by the modified Wharncliffe and S30V in the 921 Switchback?

The Benchmade-blue aluminum handles aren't as pretty as carbon-fiber handles (to some), but I think that you'll find the Wharncliffe shape and S30V are more helpful for day-to-day cutting chores and so I suggest a 921.

But if you gotsta have it, track down a 941D2CF.
Yeah, I think its gonna be a drawer knife, I just want 1 "good" knife to show off to the buddies. On my budget thats about as good a knife as I'm gonna get. I'll check into the 721 but my brain is kinda tunnel visioning me right to the 941 D2CF. Are the Carbon Fiber handles extremely tough? I have no idea about em. I'm not really sure if what I need is just a plain 941, that's why I posted so ya'll can help me out. Did I say ya'll? I'm from Nebraska, where did that come from? thanks Thom. dtsoll:)

Carbon fiber handles are tough, D2 as heat-treated by Benchmade is tough (not as revered as Dozier-D2, merely unearthly), and Osborne's style of clip point is tough. This knife, if you felt inclined to do so, will make a very beautiful beater. If you can't bring yourself to use it, it's still custom-made quality in a production knife at a production price (not Cold Steel or CRKT mind you, but much less than a small Sebenza or Umfaan). As something to show off, it's the knife to get. As something to use hard, it's the knife to get. The 154CM steel and aluminum handle in the regular 941 are more than adequate for most jobs, but why settle if you can afford the stronger, prettier knife?

Y'all's fine anywhere. It's American, after all.
I just got a 941D2CF last week and it is a beautiful knife, strong handle, sharp blade, good design. If you are looking for a drawer knife to show off this would be a good one. Happy buying.
The 941D2CF is a beauty. It's VERY light. This is a benefit to some and a negative to others that want a beefier feel. But it's beatifully made with a mirror-finished D2 blade and bronze washers. I'd go for it.;)
Originally posted by thombrogan
I've got one and it's nice. Gary Graley prefers the 941BC1RED which is 154CM steel, but he's kept it and let two 941D2CF's go...

Yep I've had several but found them to be just a bit too light for me to keep, also the Red one pictured below is just Grand, and the action is so very smooth on it!! I've used it a lot and has kept it's edge extremely well, amazingly so!


There were only 500 made, if you can locate one I'd highly recommend it!
Gary, that is ONE COOL LOOKING KNIFE!!!! The red/black combo is just a tough customer to beat in the looks dept.
Absolutely the love the 94x BM's, at $95 brand new, they maybe the best deal out there for a knife of that quality.
Thanks to all!
Gary, I have a question. When you said there were only 500 made, are you referring to the D2CF? I agree, that Red knife with the black blade is very cool. thanks for the forum. dtsoll
Originally posted by dtsoll
Thanks to all!
Gary, I have a question. When you said there were only 500 made, are you referring to the D2CF? I agree, that Red knife with the black blade is very cool. thanks for the forum. dtsoll

Dtsoll, both the Carbon Fiber one and the Red one had Limited Runs of 500 pieces made, so that makes them a little harder to find but if you put a Wanted to Find request someone may email you in regards to buying one. I don't know of any place that has any in stock...
To me the 941 is a near perfect balance of strength, size and graceful design. Especially the 941D2CF. Gary and I are at odds on this matter. He likes the Red w/ Boron Carbide model (941BC1). I have one of each and prefer the CF for EDC duties. The BC1 model sits in the safe and I've sold off one red model already. I like the feel of the carbon handle as it seems more organic than the cold aluminum. But the red one is sweet enough that it's my first real Safe Queen. They're both real lookers. For an affordable beater I think the 943 is the best buy around, but if you can afford a gussied up version, they're worth the extra couple bucks IMHO.

I don't think the design would make a good skinner and is probably a little delicate when compared to a Strider or the like, so it might not be a country boy's best choice, but I live in the suburbs and work around retail stores. The 941D2CF is perfect for those environments, and if suddenly thrust into the wilderness, I still have confidence that it would be a useful tool, although not optimum for hardcore survival duties.

The 941D2CF and 941BC1 also have the advantage of being so cool looking that even sheeple find them attractive most of the time.

I pick the D2CF version as tops for a couple reasons:

Carbon Fiber! Not only light and strong, but looks cool as hell and feels warmer to me.

D2! Mirror polished D2 is arguably toughter than 154CM. My D2 version seems to hold a razor edge better than the 941BC1 Red and the 943 I had.

D2. The mirror polished D2 might not be quite as scratch resistant as BC coated 154CM, but is sure cleans up easier. That BC coating sure hangs on to fingerprints!

Did I mention that this design LOVES to slice stuff?

Now all I have to do is mirror polish all the hardware and the clip and this 941D2CF might be the ultimate city boy EDC.

'nuff said.
