BM-E chopping pics

Feb 19, 2006
I scored my first INFI chopper in a trade with Tyrkon Lawson a few weeks ago, his sweet, stripped BM-E


I finally got a chance to go play, and heading down an old trail, found a fallen tree accross the steps. Perfect! I can have fun, and do my civic duty at the same time


Sorry, didn't count my chops, or time it. The outermost wood was starting to get punky, but most of the diameter was dry and well seasoned. i think the tree was either a beech or a maple.


I think the steps were laid in by the WPA over 70 years ago.


This was back when the aesthetic ideal was to beautify parklands by channeling the stream.

Mother nature has other ideas, and after 70 years of no maintenance; very lttle of the channel walls remain.




I'll have to find something else worthy when the FBM arrives. Soon, I hope. :D
Looks like I wasn't the only one out today having some chopping fun with a BM-E :D Thanks for sharing the pics. When you get your FBM, I'd be interested to hear your comparison ;)
Dang! That knife looks WAY better than it did in Tyrkon's pics!!! I wanted to get that knife but his pics made it look like it was about on it's last leg :p Seriously -- she looks great!

My BM-E is by far my favorite "go-to" knife for the woods. I hope you love her like i do mine! Congrats on a great knife :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:
Whenever I see pics like this I get a strong desire to get a BM-E myself.
I wonder how much londer I can resist.

Thanks for sharing
Awesome pics! I am glad she is still seeing lots of action. :thumbup: :thumbup:

Dang! That knife looks WAY better than it did in Tyrkon's pics!!! I wanted to get that knife but his pics made it look like it was about on it's last leg :p Seriously -- she looks great!

It's a built in defense mechanism of mine. I take horrible pics in hopes the knife will not sell so I can keep them. :D