BM Mel Purdue vs. Spyderco Frank Centofante

May 10, 1999
I am considering buying another small folding knife. Now I cannot decide between those two. I have some BM knives and I am quite happy with them. I also like the Purdue a little more (esp. the scales).

Then - I have heard only good things about Spyderco, I like the blade shape more, but the black scales are what is holding me back.

I would like to hear from users - esp. those who maybe have both knives.

Or should I just buy BM 705????

Thank you for your time answering my question.

BM 705 is a great knife. What I like most about it is its compact size. I'm sure your other choices are equally fine, but many of these knives fall in the 3 3/4" category. The 705 is almost 1" shorter than that.
I am guessing you mean the BM 720, the Pardue Axis? If so I was impressed with the fit and finish, but will have to continue to test the lock before rendering a final decision.

James Segura
San Francisco, CA

I meant BM 705 - I think that it is the shorter BM 710 - the original AXIS lock. I know - it is different blade but I thought the size was about the same.

So I would like if you could compare BM 330 with SP25 and both with BM 705.

My 705 has turned into my favorite carry knife. It is light-weight has a very strong lock and a great blade shape. Hope this helps.

Knives everywhere, oh what a wonderful sight.

Hey don't overlook the BM720 by Mel Pardue. I found it to be a much smoother operating knife than either the 705 or the 710. Very nice blade shape and the scales are very user friendly. I personally hope that all BM knifes go the way of the 720 with the beveled scales. Nice in the hand!

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act but a habit. A way of life.
Hi all!
I'm new here and sorry for my cheap English.

David, you are a bit embarrassed me with this comparison. The single knife by BM, which could be comparable with Frank Centofante C25G by SPYDERCO is Mel Pardue model 850. It has (more or less) the same blade length, similar blade and handle shape, similar blade geometry. But the prices are by far incomparable - hand finished BM mod. 850 is almost two times more expensive than production C25G by SPYDERCO!

On the other hand, model 705 by BM is a great knife with very impressive new Axis blade locking mechanism, but it has completely different futures than C25G by SPYDERCO:
blade geometry differs a lot,
locking device is completely another,
705 is built for tip-up carry, C25G - for tip-down,
705 is truly ambidextrous,
705 is noticeable heavier,
fit to hand is another, I can't to say which is better but IT'S COMPLETELY ANOTHER.

I think you must consider your preferences in these matters and make your choice depending on them.
I really wanted people to compare BM 330 (not the more expensive 850 with MOP scales) and SP Centofante. I guess I will get the Spyderco - it will be my first.
