BM RSK Grip tips?

Jan 5, 2006
I've decided I need this knife. I'll be using it for some EDC situations, but primarily will be my go-to hiking & camping knife. Here are my questions:

Which steel? I can go with the S30V or get the M2. I'm leaning toward the M2 due to edge-holding, but is it better to go with S30V for general purposes?

Which size, Mini or Regular? My hands are average size, and I just got my brother the D2 Grip. Size-wize it seems pretty good. Definitely bigger than I would want for and EDC, but maybe better for hiking/camping duties. The Mini is probably more useful on a general basis, but certainly less so if things get a bit hairy out there.

Any suggestions are much appreciated. Looks like a very good knife. I'd buy a small Sebbie if I had the cash, but that isn't going to happen...

I can't offer good advice on the steel...I'm not qualified...

But in terms of the size, I have both, and for camping/hiking I think the full size is better. The mini Ritter is better for everyday 'city-carry' know, for opening boxes, etc...
Thanks, that's helpful. It won't be my primary EDC, as I have a small FB Kelgin Trout/Bird knife that I usually carry in my pocket (wish I had a sleeker sheath for it).

There are a few things to consider for M2 vs S30V. S30V is stainless, so rust is not as much of a concern as with M2 which is high-carbon. Benchmade's M2s are Benchkoted to help protect the blades from rust for this reason, but BK wears away with use so then you have to deal with a blade that isn't as "pretty" as a satin S30V.

I've carried my M2 Stryker in all types of weather and conditions for a few years now and haven't had any problems with rust. I wouldn't necessarily use it for heavy use in a rainforest or underwater though.

Personally, I'd go with the M2 as S30V can suffer from edge chipping with heavy use (heat treat issues?), which isn't as much of a documented issue with M2. I definitely wouldn't use either steel as a pry. I'm also personally not entirely sold on S30V as sometimes I think it just feels brittle while in hand; and would pick an M2 blade over S30V any day. Maybe I just need to own a few more S30V edges to appreciate this steel more... ;)

As far as full or mini, I'd also personally go for the full size. I have the full sized Grip in D2, and think that even it is sheeple-friendly enough.
Excellent to have had both my questions answered so efficiently.

So, let me add one more: is there another knife I ought to be considering as a camping/hiking knife besides the RSK Grip M2? Cost is about $130.

I'm wondering about this as well, but at the very least, the RSK blade isn't available in D2, while it is in M2. Otherwise they have similar hardness...

M2 is the top steel for that knife for its advertised uses. It's tougher, harder, and doesn't rust nearly as bad as folks who haven't used M2 seem to believe. No, you can't soak it in salt and sulphuric acid, but M2 will take a thinner edge than S30V, have less problems with a thin edge than S30V, and be easier to resharpen (should that time come) than S30V. Not that S30V isn't great, it is. M2's just better for a Ritter-styled Griptillian.
I personally think that for the money, the D2 Grip is the way to go. The RSK in M2 is quite overpriced B/c you can get a 710HS for the same money!
If you just prefer the RSK blade shape then they are great blades. I have a Full-sized RSK in S30v. I think that S30v tends to chip during hard use (mine has), and you would not have that happen with M2 as easily.
It all depends on which qualities are more important to you. S30V will give you easier maintenance with good edgholding, M2 will give you better edgeholding and toughness but you will have to take better care of it. And don't discount the D2 version, it will be very good in the edgeholding department and will be almost as maintenance-free as the S30V. The only drawback (relatively) is the blade profile of the D2 version is the standard, whereas the Ritter version definitely has better blade profile for more efficient cutting.
expwmbat said:
So, let me add one more: is there another knife I ought to be considering as a camping/hiking knife besides the RSK Grip M2? Cost is about $130.


Wegner pro-hunter by Blade-tech.
I'll chime in for the S30V. I own one, and use it as an EDC in Iraq. It gets used dozens of times each day. Pehaps the most demanding aplication is cutting open the odd cardboard box. The cheap cardboard that is used to make many boxes is laced with extemely abrasive clay, and is widely know to quickly dull most any blade. The mini-ritter is not exception to this, but even so, it holds its edge remarkably well.

I've not had any issues with edge chipping with this knife. I have had some trouble with another S30V fixed blade, but I believe it is because I've put too steep of an edge on it with my edge pro. Minimize the prying and twisting, and there should never be trouble with this knife. Add to that the stain resistance, and I prefer the SS option. The notes about the BM coating are valid. It will wear off, leaving the otherwise capable M2 steel suseptable to minor rusting. M2 does not tend to pit deeply, though, so recovering a mildly rusted blade should have little effect on its performance. I'd rather not have to deal with it at all.

Consider, please, that the most volitile fluid your knife will likely encounter is your own sweat. It doesn't matter if you keep the knife away from salt water and such as that. the sweat in your own pocket is most likely to put that spot of rust on the blade.